Saturday, December 27, 2008


This Christmas was a busy one...On 12/24, Jaime and Anthony dedicated the babies to the faith of God. The Ceremony was beautiful and the mass was very musical...We opened Santa presents on 12/25...but had the formal family dinner on 12/26, and we opened more presents...The dinner was delicious and the company was spectacular...I love having family and friends over...

Estas Navidades estuvieron muy ocupadas...El 24/12, Jaime y Anthony dedicaron a los bebes a la Fe de Dios. La Ceremonia estuvo muy bonita y la misa fue muy musical...Abrimos los regalos de Santa Claus y el Niño Jesús el 25/12...pero la cena formal la tuvimos el 26/12, y abrimos mas regalos...La cena estuvo deliciosa y la compañia estuvo espectacular...Me gusta mucho tener a la familia y a los amigos de visita....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Small Vacation

My family is visiting from Venezuela and they are staying in Arizona at my cousin's house. So, I decided to take a brake from my routine in California and take the kids to visit their Venezuelan relatives...I thought it was going to be tough to travel with two infants and an 8 years old...but it was all good...Nate helped me a lot...He is my travel companion...I am glad he likes to travel like I do...Nate, Max and Isa have been spoiled a lot by my aunt and uncle...Allison and Ernie have been excellent hosts as usual and they have taken us to places to have fun and eat...Dee (Allison's Mom) has been also very sweet and took us to the San Xavier Mission yesterday...Liana (my little one and a half year old niece) is very attached to the babies and we have taught her how to give them kisses and hughies gently...She is a very sweet little girl...and very pretty too...Enjoy the slide show of our trip....

Mi familia está visitando desde Venezuela y se están quedando en Arizona en la caasa de mi primo. Asi que decidí tomarme un descanso de mi rutina en California y llevar a los niños a visitar sus parientes Venezolanos...Pensé que iba a ser difícil viajar con dos bebés y un niño de 8 años....pero todo estuvo bien...Nate ayudó bastante...Nate es mi compañero de viaje...Me encanta que a él le gusta viajar como a mí...Nate, Max e Isa han estado muy consentidos por mi tía y tío...Allison y Ernie han sido muy buenos anfitriones como siempre y nos han llevado a muchos lugares para divertirnos y comer...Dee (la mamá de Allison) ha sido muy dulce también y nos llevó a la Misión de San Javier ayer...Liana (mi pequeña sobrina de año y medio) está my apegada a los bebés y le hemos enseñado como darles besos y abrazos gentilmente...Ella es una niña muy dulce...y muy bonita también...Disfruten las fotos de nuestro viaje...

Saturday, December 6, 2008


My cousin Ernesto and his wife (Allison) gave me a massage and a facial as a Christmas gift t...So, I went to the Spa today while they took Nate to the Zoo and the babies stayed with my aunt Xiohmara...I finally took a nap...Actually, I woke up with my snores! It was nice...

Mi primo Ernesto y su esposa (Allison) me dieron un masage y un facial como regalo de Navidad...Asi que fui al Spa hoy mientras ellos llevaron a Nate al Zoologico y los bebes se quedaron con mi tia Xiohmara...Finalmente pude tomar una siesta...Me despertaron mis ronquidos! Estuvo muy bien...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Christmas Tree

We started a beautiful tradition this year...For the first time we went to pick and cut our Christmas Tree...This was a new experience for me and I loved it! I am pretty sure that Nate will appreciate this tradition during his older years...Max and Isa will be old enough soon to help their older brother to pick and cut a tree in years to come...I can't wait! The house is now decorated for Christmas inside and it looks great! We are missing the lights outside but I will work on those when I come back from my trip...I enjoy decorating the house...specially for Christmas because it is my favorite Holiday of the year...

Empezamos una bella tradición este año...Por primera vez fuimos a escoger y a cortar nuestro Árbol the Navidad...Esta fue una nueva experiencia para mi y me gusto mucho! Estoy segura de que Nate apreciará esta tradición durante sus años adultos...Max e Isa pronto estarán lo suficientemente grandes para ayudar a su hermano mayor a escoger y a cortar el árbol en los años por venir...No puedo esperar! El interior de la casa está decorada para las Navidades y se ve bien! Nos falta poner las luces afuera, pero las pondré cuando regrese de mi viaje...Yo disfruto decorando la casa...especialmente en Navidad porque es mi Fiesta favorita del año...

Friday, November 28, 2008


We celebrated Thanksgiving in family yesterday...We had a good time and the food was wonderful...Steve, Mom and Dad were missed!

Celbramos el Dia de Accion de Gracias en familia ayer...La pasamos bien y la comida estuvo buena...Steve, Mamá y Papá fueron extrañados!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 Months Check Up

Isa and Max had their 2 month check up today...Isa's measures were: Weight: 9.11 Lbs, Head: 37.3 cm and Length: 22 1/4 inches. Max's measures were: Weight: 11.01 Lbs, Head: 38 cms, and Length: 22 inches. They are below the average but within the normal curve. They got 5 shots. Four shots were applied in their legs (2 in each leg) and one was taken by mouth...They were not very happy about the ones in their legs...They have been a little be fuzzy but no fever yet...They will have their next check up in two months...

Isa y Max tuvieron su chequeo de dos meses hoy...Las medidas de Isa fueron: Peso: 4.13 Kgs, Cabeza: 37.3 cms y Altura: 56.51 cms. Las medidas de Max fueron: Peso: 4.99 Kgs, Cabeza: 38 cms y Altura: 55.88 cms. Estan por debajo del promedio, pero dentro de la curva normal. Le dieron 5 vacunas. Cuatro fueron aplicadas en las piernas (2 en cada pierna) y una fue tomada...No estuvieron muy contentos con las que les pusieron en las piernas...Han estado un poquito incomodos, pero no se les ha desarrollado fiebre...El próximo chequeo les toca en dos meses...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2 Meses

The babies are two months old today...The time is passing by fast and they have made a lot of changes...Isa is bigger now. Her legs are getting chubby and she is more aware of her surroundings and the things that she can cry her lungs out until Mommy holds her to fall sleep...a bad habit that she is developing...or I am allowing? lol...Her eyes are still blueish...I love her look because it is very expresive...Just like her Mommy's...Max has been the big guy from day one...but he is bigger now! Heavier, I should say! He is also very aware of his surroundings but has not picked up the habit of being carried to fall sleep...Thank God! He is very easy going and, once he has his bottle, pretty much falls sleep anywhere...Yahoo! They both "talk", and I have been putting them next to each other, so they can interact...It is fun to see them do that...In these pictures they are wearing an outfit that was given to them by the Nurse at Em's work...Thank you Mary, the outfits are nice and they look very sweet in them!

Los bebes cumplen dos meses hoy...El tiempo está pasando rápido y ellos han hecho muchos cambios...Isa está mas grande ahora. Sus piernas se estan poniendo mas gorditas y es mas atenta a lo que pasa a su alrededor y las cosas que puede hacer...como llorar sin parar hasta que su Mamá la cargue para dormirse...un mal habito que está desarrollando...o que yo le estoy permitiendo? je,je,je...Sus ojos todavia son azulados...Adoro su mirada porque es muy expresiva...Como la de su Mami...Max siempre ha sido el chico grande desde el primer dia...pero está mas grande ahora! Mas pesado, deberia decir! El también está muy atento a las cosas que pasan a su alrededor, pero no ha agarrado el hábito de cargarlo para quedarse dormido...Gracias a Dios! Ek tiene un temperamento tranquilo y, una vez que se toma el tetero, se duerme casi en cualquier lado...Yahoo! Los dos "hablan" y los he estado poniendo al lado de cada uno para que interactuen...Es divertido verlos hacer eso...En las fotos están con una ropita que le regaló la Enfermera del trabajo de Em...Gracias Mary, la ropita es bonita y ellos se ven bien dulces en ella!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Visit From a Dear Friend

We had our friend Lisa visiting this weekend from Texas. So, we went to lunch with her and her family...We have known Jaime and Lisa since College...It was nice to spend time with friends and family...

Nuestra amiga Lisa vino a visitar desde Texas. Asi que fuimos a almorzar con ella y su familia...Hemos conocido a Jaime y Lisa desde que estabamos en la Universidad...Fue muy bueno pasar tiempo con amigos y en familia...

A Fun Halloween

We started the Halloween fun on Thursday by carving a pumpking that Nate picked up at the Pumpking Patch...and we finished going trick or treating on Friday with our friends the Evans' Family...Nate was a Storm Trooper from Star Wars...Isa and Max wore the Halloween outfits that Grandma bought for them...Thanks Mom, they looked very cute on those!...Nate, Max, Isa and I had a lot of fun...

Empezamos la diversion de la Noche de Brujas el Jueves cuando esculpimos la calabaza que Nate escogió en el Campo de Calabazas...y terminamos yendo a pedir golosinas el Viernes con nuestros amigos de la Familia Evans...Nate se disfrazó de un Soldado de Las Guerras de Las Galaxias...Isa y Max se estrenaron una ropa que la Abuela le regaló...Gracias Mamá, se veian muy lindos en esa ropita!...Nate, Max, Isa y yo nos divertimos mucho...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Loving It!

I am loving the attention I am getting about the twins...People stops to see them everywhere I go and say how cute they are...Makes me a proud Mom...and when Nate is with us, I always introduce my 8 year old other pride and joy! Love them all!

Me gusta la atención que atraigo debido a los morochos...La gente se para a verlos a todas partes que voy y me dicen que lindo son...Me hacen ser una Mama orgullosa...y cuando Nate esta con nosotros, siempre presento a mi hijo de 8 años...mi otro orgullo y alegria! Los amo a todos!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


The babies are changing a lot...They are 7 weeks now. They are more alert, which represents a challenge because feedings take a lot longer and it takes a while for them to go back to sleep...Sometimes they go between feedings with no sleep...Isa and Max follow the sound of my voice with their heads...Isa started to make sounds this weekend...I spent time "talking" to her today...As she was making the sounds, I would say something to her and then she would smile...It was fun!

Los bebes estan cambiando mucho...Son 7 semanas ahora. Estan mas alertos, lo cual representa un reto porque las comidas son mas largas y les toma mas tiempo para dormirse otra vez...Aveces no duermen entre comidas...Isa y Max siguen el sonido de mi voz con la cabeza...Isa comenzó a hacer sonidos este fin de semana...Pasé un rato "hablando" con ella hoy...Cuando ella hacia sus sonidos, yo le decia algo y ella se sonreía...Fue divertido!

A fun Weekend

We had a pretty busy and fun Weekend...Nate, Max, Isa and I went to a picnic where I get to meet several people on Saturday...Nate had a blast playing with kids his age...Then, we finished the day bowling...Nate has a very competetive nature...I wonder who he got that from?! =), so he was upset during the first game because I won...So, I let him win the second game...On Sunday, Nate had a Birthday Party, which gave me pretty much the whole day "free" to do some stuff I needed to do and to meet some co-workers during the afternoon...I had a weekend of laughs and it was nice to know that there is a lot of people out there that appreciate me for who I am and that I represent a lot for them...To finish the weekend, we baked some cookies on Sunday after dinner...OK, they are not made from scratch but at least I had the initiative to bake something! May be next time I will have a good recipe to make them from scratch...

Tuvimos un fin de semana muy atareado y divertido...Nate, Max, Isa y yo fuimos a un picnic donde conocimos mucha gente el Sabado...Nate se divertió muchisimo jugando con niños de su edad...Luego terminamos el dia jugando bowling...Nate tiene una naturaleza muy competitiva...Me pregunto de quien sacaria eso?! = ). asi que estuvo molesto durante el primer juego porque yo lo gané...Asi que lo dejé ganar el segundo juego...El Domingo, Nate had a Birthday Party, lo cual me dió todo el dia "libre" para hacer algunas cosas y para encontrarme con unos de mis compañeros de trabajo durante la tarde...Tuve un fin de semana de risas y fue bien chevere saber que hay mucha gente que me aprecia por lo que soy y que represento mucho para ellos...Para terminar el fin de semana, horneamos unas galletas el Domingo despues de cenar...Ok, no son hechas caseras pero al menos tuve la iniciativa de hornear algo! A lo mejor la proxima vez pueda encontrar una receta para hacerlas caseras...

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I stole this quote from Mom's Blog...I love it!

"Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius." Josh Billings

Le quite esta quota a mi Suegra de su Blog...Me gusta!

"El sentido comun es instinto, y tener suficiente de ello es de genios." Josh Billings

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

First Halloween

This year is the babie's first Halloween...They look so cute on these onesies...Thanks Jaime! They will be going trick or treating with their older brother next Friday...I can't wait...Every year Nate and I have a blast trick or treating on Halloween night...

Este año es la primera vez que los bebes celebran la Noche de Brujas...Se ven muy bonitos en esta ropita...Gracias Jaime! El proximo Viernes van con su hermano mayor a recoger caramelos por el vecindario...No puedo esperar...Todos los años Nate y yo nos divertimos mucho yendo a recoger caramelos en la noche de Halloween...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So Cute!

ISA - My Little Angel!

MAX - My Pooh Bear!

I love dressing up the babies to go out...The weather is getting a little be chilly, so today I put these outfits on them...They look so cute!

Me encanta vestir a los bebes para salir...El tiempo se está poniendo un poco frio, asi que hoy les puse estos estrenos...Se ven tan bellos!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Big Brother

Nate is a good big brother and an excellent son...He loves his sibblings a lot...The first thing he does when he gets up in the mornings or comes from school is to give a kiss to each of the babies...If he has not seen them for a little while, he wants to kiss and hug them...He is a big help also. We went to the store today and he helped to push the cart, place the groceries in the cart, place the groceries in the car and take the groceries out of the car when we arrived home...He also helped me feed Isa while I was preparing some dinner for him...He is such a wonderful boy! I love him so much!

Nate es un buen hermano mayor y un hijo excelente...El ama mucho a sus hermanos...Lo primero que hace cuando se para en las mañanas o llega del colegio es darles un beso a cada uno de los bebes...Si no los ha visto por algun rato, él quiere besarlos y abrazarlos...El es de mucha ayuda tambien. Hoy fuimos al mercado y el me ayudó a empujar el carro de compras, poner las cosas en el carro de compras, poner las compras en el carro y sacar las compras del carro cuando llegamos a la casa...También me ayudó a darle de comer a Isa mientras estaba preparando la cena para él...Es un buen chiquillo! Lo amo mucho!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Phillies Twins! - One Month Old

Congratulations card from Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole and Shannon

Isa - Go Phillies!

Max - Go Phillies!

Isa and Max turned one month old today...Time goes by really fast! They have been a true blessing...

Sandy and Chris sent these Phillies Shirts...Thank you! Now the twins are true Phillies Fans! Go Phillies! Go Eagles! They also sent Rock Onsies...They are nice! We want to also thank Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole and Shannon for their Congratulations Card...It is beautiful!

Isa y Max cumplieron un mes hoy...El tiempo pasa volando! Han sido una verdadera bendicion...

Sandy y Chris enviaron estas camisetas de los Phillies...Gracias! Ahora los morochos son verdaderos fans the los Phillies! Viva Phillies! Viva Eagles! Tambien mandaron unas camisetas de roqueros...bellisimas! También queremos agradecer al Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole y Shannon por la tarjeta de Felicitaciones que nos mandaron...Es bonita!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Precious Moment

I was feeding Isa and Max together this morning since I had the luck that they were up at the same time...After I fed them and changed them, I put them down next to each other in the twin pillow and their little hands were being held together...I was a tearful moment because this is a representation of what the future will be for them...Friends forever!

Estaba alimentando Isa y Max al mismo tiempo esta mañana ya que tuve la suerte de que estaban despiertos al mismo tiempo...Después que los alimenté y cambié, los puse en la almoada para morochos y sus manitas se entrelazaron...Fue un momento muy dulce porque representa lo que será el futuro para ellos...Amigos por siempre!

Going for a walk

Emil and I took the kids for a walk around the neighborhood yesterday...It was nice to go outside and enjoy the weather...The stroller was a good ride!

Emil y yo sacamos a los bebes a una caminata por el vecindario ayer...Fue chevere salir y disfrutar del clima...El coche fue una buen transporte!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Bath

Isa and Nate


The kids got their first bath today. It went pretty well. Isa just stayed in the tub and let me bathe her without fuzzying too much...She only got cranky towards the end when I was drying her...Max was Ok also. He did not fuzzy until I got to dry him as well. I guess it had to do with the fact that the warm water was not running through their bodies and they were feeling cold..Nate helped through out the process...He is such a good big brother! He loves his little sister and brother...

Los bebes tuvieron su primer baño hoy. Fue muy bien. Isa se quedó tranquila y me dejó bañarla sin ningun problema...Solo se puso un poco molesta cuando la fui a secar...Max estuvo Ok también. Solo se puso un poco molesto al momento de secarlo. Pienso que se ralaciona con que el agua tibia no estaba cayendo en sus cuerpesitos y se sentian frios...Nate ayudó durante el proceso...El es un buen hermano mayor! El adora a su hermano y hermana...

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Celebration

Flowers from Uncle Tiger and Aunt Jaime...Thank you!

An Ice Cream Cone

The Cake!
The Gift
Nate turned 8 years yesterday...We could not celebrate as big as we would like to but we had some cake and presents for our wonderful big boy...

Nate cumplió 8 aňos ayer...No pudimos celebrar en grande como nos hubiese gustado, pero le cantamos el Cumpleaňos Feliz y le dimos un regalo a nuestro hijo mayor...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Our Church announces baby births during the Sunday services and they place a rose for each child in the stage...I had a visitor that brought me the roses today...They are beautiful...Like my babies...

La Iglesia a la que voy anuncia los nacimientos durante los servicios del Domingo y ponen una rosa por cada querubin en el pulpito...Hoy tuve una visita que me trajo las rosas...Son hermosas...como mis bebes...

Friday, September 12, 2008

10 Years!

Pretty Flowers from Emil

We are celebrating our 10th Wedding Anniversary today...I wanted to have an special celebration for our 10th Wedding Anniversary...I wanted to renew our wedding vows in Las Vegas and have a nice romantic weekend...but God decided to change our plans and to give us a better gift...our two little treasures...Isa and Max...

Hoy estamos celebrando nuestro Aniversario de Bodas número 10...Yo quería tener una celebracion especial para este Aniversario...Yo queria renovar nuestros votos en Las Vegas con un fin de semana romantico...pero Dios decidió cambiar nuestros planes y darnos un mejor regalo...nuestros pequeños tesoros...Isa y Max...


We received a nice surprise yesterday. Em's work sent us this beautiful flower arragement to congratulate us for our new family additions...

Recibimos una sorpresa ayer. El trabajo de Em nos envió este hermoso arreglo floral para felicitarnos por nuestra nueva adiciones a la familia...

Thursday, September 11, 2008 last!

We are finally settling at home...We have somehow managed to go from the Unscheduled Cesarean Section to having a more "normal" schedule for feeding, changing and sleeping. The babies are doing great. They eat every four hours, which gives us at least 2 hours of napping time in between feedings. We took them for a Jaundice check up today. Dr. Galindo said that today should be the peak of the Jaundice and it should be going away within the next 2 - 3 weeks. So, we need to continue the Sunbaths until then. Max also got circumcised today...

Finalmente estamos en la casa...De alguna manera hemos manejado el ir de una Cesarea imprevista a un horario mas "normal" para alimentación, cambiado y sueño. Los bebes estan bien. Comen cada cuatro horas, lo cual nos da al menos dos horas de siesta entre las comidas. Hoy los llevamos a un checkeo de la Ictericia. Dr. Galindo dice que hoy es el pico de la Ictericia y debe mejorar poco a poco durante las proximas 2 - 3 semanas. Asi que continuaremos los Baños de Sol hasta entonces. Max tambien fue circumcisado hoy...