Emil and I have been hiking lately. We have been in several places at the Sequoia National Park. The latest of our hikes was the Muir Trail. It was an easy trail and Nate and I had our first bear encounter. It was a mixed feelings of being scared and excited at the same time. Although I was petrified because it was quite shaking to see a bear so close to us, I was excited because it was my first real sight of a bear. I am just glad it was not a Mama Bear with Cubs. I was leading the way back and all of the suden I heard something moving in some bushes. I turned my head and I see a black ball of fur moving up the mountain. Next thing I see is a black bear coming out of the bushes. I thought I was going to die! I stopped Emil and Nate and we sat quiet to see what it was going to be his next move. He was giving us his back and all of the sudden he turned, saw us and sat in place for few seconds. Then, he started moving along the trail towards us. Emil started yelling, then I started yelling. He stopped in front of us and looked at us one more time. Then, he gave us a face like "I am not wasting my time with you today!" Then, he turned and continued his path towards the top of the mountain. I was relief when I saw him turning and going up. Once we were sure he was going on his way, we continued our path to finish our trip. Emil took two pictures of the bear as he was heading up the mountain. We also saw people running toward the mountain as we were leaving Lodgepole. There was another bear sight. As we were driving down the mountain, we saw cars stopped. As I turned my head up, there was another black bear making his way up the mountain. Three bear sights in one day! This mean there is a lot of bear activity in the mountains and we have to be at the look out every time we go hiking.
Emil y yo hemos estado escalando las montanas. Hemos ido a various lugares en el Parque Nacional de Los Sequoias. El ultimo lugar que visitamos fue la ruta de Muir. Fue una ruta facil y Nate y yo tuvimos nuestro primer encuentro con un oso. Tuve sentimientos encontrados de susto y emocion al mismo tiempo. A pesar de que estaba petrificada de ver un oso tan cerca de nosotros, fue emocionante ver por primera vez un oso en su ambiente natural. Me alegra de que no fue una Mama Oso con sus Cachorros. Estaba liderizando el camino de regreso cuando escuche los arbustos moverse. Movi la cabeza y enfoque mi mirada a los arbustos y veo una masa de pelo negro moviendose. De pronto sale el oso desde adentro de los arbustos. Pense que iba a morir! Pare a Emil y Nate y nos quedamos quietos para ver cual iba a ser su proximo movimiento. Estaba dandonos su espalda, de pronto se volteo y se quedo sentado viendonos por unos segundos. Luego empezo a caminar al raz de la ruta hacia nosotros. Emil empezo a gritar y yo lo segui. El oso se paro en frente de nosotros y se nos quedo mirando otros segundos mas. Nos hizo una cara como diciendo "No voy a perder mi tiempo con ustedes hoy!" Luego se volteo y siguio su camino hacia la cima de la montana. Me dio un fresquito ver que se volteo y siguio su camino alejandose de nosotros poco a poco. Una vez que estuvimos seguros de que seguiria sus pasos, nosotros nos fuimos alejando y seguimos nuestro camino. Emil pudo tomar dos fotos mientras el oso subia hacia la cima de la montana. Tambien vimos unas personas corriendo hacia la montana cuando nos ibamos de Lodgepole. Habia otro oso merodeando el campamento. Tambien cuando ibamos de regreso para la casa, nos tuvimos que parar porque habian varios carros parados en el camino. Cuando voltee my cabeza para mirar cual era la conmocion, habia otro oso merodeando en la montana a lo largo del camino. Tres encuentros con osos en un dia! Esto quiere decir que hay mucha actividad de osos en la montana y que tenemos que tener mucha precaucion cuando vamos de paseo.