Monday, August 27, 2007

The Love of my Life

I want to dedicate this post to someone that is always there for me. He understand me more than anyone and has put off with me all these years. He supports me on all my endeavours. He makes my days brighter and my life more fun....This is to Emil...I love you with all my heart...thanks for being here...thanks for being you...

Quiero dedicar este espacio a alguien que esta siempre alli para mi. El me entiende mejor que nadie y me ha soportado todo este tiempo de casados. El me apoya en todas mis aventuras. El hace mis dias mas brillantes y mi vida mas divertida...Esto es para Emil...Te amo con todo mi corazon...gracias por estar aqui...gracias por ser tu...

Fun at Yosemite

Emil, Nathan and I got to go with Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole and Shannon to Yosemite yesterday. It was fun and relaxing. It is nice to take time off to go and relax surrounded by Nature. We got to see a Coyote. Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole and Shannon had a good time.

Emil, Nahthan y yo fuimos con el Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole y Shannon a Yosemite ayer. Nos divertimos y relajamos. Fue chevere tomarme tiempo libre y relajarnos rodeados por la Naturaleza. Vimos un Coyote. El Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole and Shannon se divirtieron.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


We started a fertility treatment Tuesday last week. I went to a follow up this Monday and I had my ovaries full of eggs...16 total! They told me to apply one more shot with less medicine that day and to come back today for another follow up to decide if we continue the cycle or we had to stop due to the multiple eggs that my ovaries produced during treatment. Well, I got two good eggs and one potential in my left ovary...and two good ones in my right ovary...the other ones did not grow to be fertilized...My right tube is blocked, so that left me with the ones on the left ovary only...So, they instructed me to give a shot of a ovulation stimulating hormone today and to have a lot of good SEX starting tomorrow night...a home pregnancy test will tell me on September 6 if we coincived...

Empezamos el tratamiento de fertilidad el Martes de la semana pasada. Fui al doctor para un seguimiento este lunes y tenia los ovarios llenos de ovulos...16 en total! Ellos me dijeron que me aplicara otra injeccion con menos medicina y que regresara hoy para otro seguimiento y decidir si continuabamos el ciclo or lo teniamos que para debido a la cantidad de ovulos que se produjeron durante el tratamiento. Tengo dos ovulos buenos y uno potencial en el ovario izquierdo...y dos buenos en el ovario derecho...los otros no crecieron para ser fertilizados...My Tropa de Falopio derecha esta bloqueada, asi que me quedaron solo los del ovario izquierdo...Asi que me indicaron ponerme la injeccion que estimula la ovulacion hoy y tener bastante intercurso comenzando manana en la noche...un test de embarazo casero me dira el 6 de Septiembre si concebimos...

Last Swimming Lesson

Nate's las swimming lesson was yesterday. He was jumping in the pool and swimming the long way by the end of this week...He can swim now but still needs more practice for control and to learn style...At least he is not afraid of the water but he is aware that he needs supervision...He should become more confortable by next Summer...

La ultima leccion de natacion de Nathan fue ayer. El se tiraba a la piscina y nado el lado mas largo al final de la semana...El puede nadar ahora pero todavia necesita mas practica para obtener control y aprender estilo...Al menos el no esta asustado del agua pero sabe que necesita supervision..El debe estar mas confortable para el proximo Verano...

Family and Fun

Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole, Shannon and Grandma are visiting from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I love being around Emil's family. They are so cool! They make me feel very welcome and give me that warmth that I miss so much from my family in Venezuela...We went to Disneyland over the weekend and had a lot of fun. Nate loves being around his cousins Nicole and Shannon. He had a blast!

El Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole, Shannon y la Abuela estan visitando desde Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Me encanta compartir con la familia de Emil. Ellos son bien chevere! Ellos me hacen sentir bienvenida y me dan ese calor familiar que extrano mucho de mi familia en Venezuela...Fuimos a Disneylandia el fin de semana y nos divertimos mucho. Nate le encanta estar cerca de sus primas Nicole y Shannon. El se divertio mucho!

First Day

Nathan's first day at his new school was last Thursday (08/16/2007)...He was a little be nervous but he is confortable now...He likes his new school a lot and he got a cool teacher...I am so happy for him...

El Jueves (16/08/2007) fue el primer dia de Nathan en su nueva escuela...El estaba un poquito nervioso pero ahora esta adaptado...Le gusta su nueva escuela y le toco una maestra bien chevere...Estoy muy contenta por el...

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Friendship is one of the things that we should treasure the most. We always need that shoulder that will be there for us in good times and bad times...Nathan had his friend Ean coming over for a sleep over...They had fun...I never thought that I would be the type of Mom that would like to have her kid's friends coming over to the house...I always stress when people come over to visit...It is a mix of the Torrealba and perfectionism...all the women in my family stress about having people over because it represents a lot of attention...that's the Latin too...but the experience was not that bad...Actually, I want to do it many times more...I was happy to see Nathan playing and excited about having a friend over...that alone is worth the effort...and the stress...

La Amistad es una de las cosas que debemos atesorar mucho. Siempre necesitamos el hombro que estara alli para nosotros en los tiempos malos y buenos...Nathan tuvo a su amiguito Ean visitando y paso la noche en nuestra casa...Nunca pense que seria aquella madre a la que le gustaria tener a los amiguitos de sus hijos visitando...Siempre me estreso cuando hay personas visitando...Es lo Torrealba y lo perfeccionista ligado...todas las mujeres de mi familia se estresan cuang tienen visita porque representa muchas atenciones...eso es lo Latino tambien...pero la experiencia no fue tan mala...La verdad me gustaria hacerlo mas veces...Me contento mucho ver a Nathan jugando y alegre porque su amiguito estaba de visita...eso solo merece el esfuerzo y el estress...