Tuesday, July 31, 2007

No Tooth

Nathan had one of his upper theeth loose for the longest time. He finally lost it last night. This makes the third one of the series. He tripped (for those who know him, this is not too hard to believe since he is very active) and somehow the teeth got even looser...It was just hanging and with the help of Grandma and a Friend (his Mommy was too Chicken to even look at it!!!) , it came out...The Tooth Fairy gave him two bucks...

Nathan tenia uno de los dientes arriba flojo por un buen tiempo. Finalmente lo perdio otra vez anoche. Este es el tercero en la serie. Se cayo (para aquellos que lo conocen esto no es tan increible, ya que el es muy activo) y de algun modo el diente se aflojo mas...Estaba guidando y con la ayuda de la Abuela y un Amiguito (su Mama se Engallino y no lo queria ni ver!!!), el diento se cayo...El Raton Perez le trajo dos dolares...


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another Quote - Otra Quota

"We must see our dreams and the world clearly before we can create the future we envision."- Anonymous

"Nosotros debemos ver nuestros suenos y el mundo claramente antes de que podamos crear el futuro que envisionamos" - Anonimo

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quote - Quota

"Right is what's left after you've done everything else wrong."- Robin Williams

"Lo correcto es lo que queda despues de que has hecho todo lo demas mal" - Robin Williams

Jenny Craig

Although we are still trying to conceive, I decided to join Jenny Craig today. My weight is too much out of control...I am weighing 208 Lbs!!! That is a lot of weight for someone that is only 5' 7''...When pregnancy happen, then I will stop...but for now, I need control over what I eat...I am exhausted and my belly gets in the way of many activities...My main problem is portion control...Jenny Craig will help me to gain control and achieve a more healthy weight...

A pesar de que estamos tratando de concebir todavia, he decidido afiliarme a Jenny Craig hoy. Mi peso esta fuera de control...Estoy pesando 104 Kgs!!! Eso es bastante peso para alguien que solo mide 1.73 cms...Cuando el embarazo pase, entonces parare la dieta...pero por los momentos, necesito ganar control de lo que como...Estoy cansada y mi barriga esta en el medio de mis actividades...Mi mayor problema es control de porciones...Jenny Craig me ayudara a ganar control y alcanzar un peso mas sano...

Monday, July 23, 2007

US Citinzenship

I gave the first step towards becoming a US Citizen today. I sent my application to Immigration. I am legible now since I have been a Permanent Resident for three years and I am married to a US Citizen...It will be about a year before they call me to take the test since there is so many people applying right now due to the fee increase in Immigration Services... No worries, the important thing is that I am getting there...

Hoy di el primer paso hacia la Nacionalidad de los Estados Unidos. Envie mi aplicacion a Inmigracion. Puedo aplicar ya que he sido Residente Permanente por tres años y estoy casada con un Norte Americano...Sera aproximadamente un año antes de que me llamen para la prueba, ya que hay mucha gente aplicando ahora debido al incremento de pago por los Servicios de Inmigracion...No hay preocupacion, lo importante es que ya estoy llegando alli...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Crop Circles

I saw these pictures and I thought they are worth to put them in the blog. These are works of Art! Alien or Man made? Who cares! They are beautiful and we should enjoy them.

Mire estas fotos y pense que son bonitas para ponerlas en el blog. Estos son trabajos de Arte. Hechos por Extraterrestres on el Hombre? Que importa. Son hermosos y deberiamos de disfrutarlos.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Nathan is on swimming lessons. This is his third day and he is pretty much swimming on his own...he has not developed a style yet...but he is able to float and go from one side to another of the pool...pretty cool.

Nathan esta en clases de natacion. Esta es su tercera clase y esta nadando por si solo...aun no ha desarrollado un estilo...pero es capaz de flotar e ir de un lado al otro en la piscina...bien chevere...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Envy - Envidia

I was taught early in life not to envy or be jealous of others for their possessions, achievements or desires because it would just only lead to my personal destruction. I always have been happy for those that are around me as their happiness may touch me in some way...and I feel successful...Here is to those that had envied me or have been jealous of me through out these years...in the present...and in the future...as they have petty minds...May their envy and jealousy consume their hearts and so be reflected in their lives.

"As iron is eaten by rust, so are the envious consumed by envy." - Antisthenes

"It is because we have but a small portion of enjoyment ourselves that we feel so little pleasure in the good fortune of others. Is it possible for the happy to be envious? " - William Benton Clulow

"Jealousy... is a mental cancer." - B.C. Forbes

A muy temprana edad me ensenaron a no envidiar o celar a otros por sus poseciones, logros o deseos porque solo me llevaria a mi destrucion personal. Siempre he estado feliz por aquellos que me rodean, ya que su felicidad me puede tocar de algun modo...y me siento exitosa...Esto es para todos aquellos que me han envidiado o han estado celosos de mi durante todos estos anos..en el presente...y en el futuro...ya que tienen poca mente...Que su envidia y celos consuma sus corazones, y que sea reflejado en sus vidas diarias.

"Como el hierro es carcomido por la oxidacion, asi es consumido el envidioso por la envidia" - Antithesnes

"Es porque tenemos poco placer en nosotros que sentimos poco placer en la fortuna de otros. Es posible por el feliz tener envidia?" - William Benton Clulow

"Celo es un cancer mental" - B.C. Forbes

Monday, July 9, 2007


Nothing like going to the Jacuzzi after a hard day at work...or play...

Nada como ir al Jacuzzi despues de un dia arduo de trabajo...o juego...

Lazos de Familia

Family bonds are unbreakable...nor the distance nor the time will never break them...

Los lazos de Familia son inrompibles...ni la distancia ni el tiempo los puede romper...


There were two reasons that justified the trip to Arizona...My family coming from Venezuela and to know my little new niece Liana...I Love her very much and I already miss her...God Bless you little one!!!

Hubo dos razones que justifiaron el viaje a Arizona...my familia que vino desde Venezuela y conocer a mi pequena sobrina Liana...La amo mucho y ya la extrano... Que Dios te Bendiga pequena...

60 y todavia le pega al balon

Here is my uncle Claudio, who is about 60 years old but still can kick the ball...

Aqui esta mi tio Claudio, quien es aproximadamente 60 y todavia puede patear el balon...


USA calls it Soccer and Venezuela calls it Balonpie (Football)...Ernesto and Allison meet every Sunday at 6:00 pm to enjoy few hours of Soccer play with friends and neighboors. Nathan got the opportunity to play the Sunday after we arrived...and he scored one goal...Go Nathan!!!!

Estados Unidos lo llama Soccer y Venezuela lo llama Balonpie (Football)...Ernesto y Allison se encuentran cada Domingo a las 6:00 pm para disfrutar unas horas de juego de Football con amigos y vecinos. Nathan tuvo la oportunidad de jugar el Domingo despues de que llegamos...y metio un gol...Arriba Nathan!!!

Clases de Natacion

Nathan got started on few swimming lessons while we were on Vacation...Ernesto's patience and Nathan's determination were a good pair for learning. Nathan was swimming on his own after few minutes into the lesson. Although, helped by his floaties, he showed a strong capacity to learn very quick how to swim...

Nathan empezo unas pocas lecciones de nado mientras estabamos de Vacaciones...La paciencia de Ernesto y la determinacion de Nathan fueron un buen par para el aprendizaje. Nathan estaba nadando despues de pocos minutos de leccion...Aunque ayudado por los flotadores, el demostro una gran capacidad para aprender como nadar bien rapido...

Tres Generaciones

There are three generations of men represented in this picture...and all of them belong to my family...

Hay tres generaciones de hombres representados en esta foto...y todos pertenecen a mi familia...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Here are the Grandparents...

Aqui estan los Abuelos...
Grandpa Jim

Abuelo Claudio

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cuatro Generaciones

This picture represents four generations of women in our family...I am so proud!!!

En esta foto estan representadas cuatro generaciones de mujeres en nuestra familia...estoy muy orgullosa!!!

Compartiendo en Familia

A day in Arizona...Sharing with family...

Un dia en Arizona...compartiendo con la familia...

Hanging out with Aunt Allison

Chilling at the pool

Cousin Love!!!...

Bottle Time

More Cousin Love

Sunday, July 1, 2007

On Vacation

I finally went on Vacation. I am in Arizona visiting my family and meeting the newest member. She is a cutie!!! She is a very good baby. She only cries to let us know that she needs to be changed or that is hungry...Nathan is really nice to her...He is having as much fun with the baby as I am...I am so proud of him...

Finalmente estoy de Vacaciones. Estoy en Arizona visitando a mi familia y conociendo a el miembro mas nuevo. Ella es una preciosura!!! Es una bebe muy tranquila. Solo llora cuando quiere que la cambien o cuando tiene hambre...Nathan es muy chevere con el...El esta divirtiendose con la bebe tanto como yo...estoy muy orgullosa de el...