Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Feliz Navidad

This was a very good Christmas...We had a family dinner and then we got to open presents. We came home and Nate went to bed to wait for Santa and Baby Jesus...He got most of the stuff he wanted...some other ones he did not ask but Santa and Baby Jesus thought that it would be good things to have for his education...I got all I wanted...and Emil got what he asked for...Although I did not get to see my Venezuelan family this year, I got to spend time with my US family...I did not take picture of all the wonderful gifts we got from both families...but we loved each of them!

Esta fuen una Navidad muy buena...Tuvimos una cena y luego abrimos los regalos. Vinimos a casa y Nate se fue a dormir para esperar por Santa y el Nino Jesus...Le dieron la mayoria de las cosas que pidio...algunas de las cosas el no las pidio pero Santa y el Nino Jesus pensaron que eran cosas buenas para su educacion...A mi me dieron todo lo que queria...y Emil obtuvo lo que pidio...A pesar de he no pude ver mi familia Venezolana, pase el tiempo con mi familia de USA...No tome fotos de todos los regalos que recibimos de las dos familias...per nos gustaron mucho todos!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Play

Nathan had his First Grade Christmas play today..."The Little Bell That Could Not Ring"...He was singing along...my little baby! I had tears of joy...I cried during his Kindergarten play too...I just get emotional...It is hard to see him in the pictures. He is at the center of the last row...

Nathan tuvo su acto del Primer Grado hoy..."La Campanita que no pudo sonar"...Era uno de los cantantes...my bebe! Llore de la emocion...Llore durante su acto de Kindergarten tambien...Me emociono...Es dificil de verlo en las fotos. El esta en el centro de la ultima fila...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Party

Emil and I had our Christmas Parties yesterday...Yes, they were both on the same day...We went to mine first and ended up in his...Although we were late to his party, the organizers were very welcoming...Emil got the chance to spint the prize wheel and got a certificate for See's Candies...uh, uh, ummm!...We finished the night dancing and I ended up with my feet hurting due to the high heels...While dancing they had different prizes, and Emil won a floral arragement...It is beautiful...I wish I know the name of all the flowers...it would be nice to have a garden with all of those colors...

Emil y yo tuvimos nuestras fiestas de Navidad ayer...Si, las dos fiestas fueron el mismo dia...Fuimos a la mia primero y terminamos en la de el...A pesar de que llegamos tarde a su fiesta, las personas que organizaron la fiesta fueron muy amables...Emil tuvo la oportunidad de dar vuelta a la rueda de premios y gano un certificado para los See's Candies (Chocolates)...uh, uh, ummm!...Terminamos la noche bailando y termine con mis pies doliendome debido a los tacones que tenia...Mientras bailabamos tenian diferentes premios, y Emil gano un arreglo floral...Es hermoso...Me gustaria saber el nombre de todas las flores...Seria chevere tener un jardin con todos esos colores...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lemon Cheesecake

Emil made the ultimate Lemon Coconut cheesecake last night...Actually, it took him two days...but it was worth the effort...It is YUMMY!!! I just loved it!

Emil hizo la mejor torta de queso de Limon y Coco anoche...En realidad le tomo dos dias para hacerla...pero valio el esfuerzo...Esta DELICIOSA!!!! Me gusto mucho!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Emil has a new hobby...Baking...His specialization is Cheesecake. So, far so good...I should say really good...Pumpkin, Chocolate and now Lemon Cheesecakes...yummy!

Emil tiene un nuevo pasatiempo...Reposteria...Su especializacion es Torta de Queso...Hasta ahora todo bien...debo decir muy bien...Torta de Queso con sabor a Calabaza, Chocolate y ahora Limon...deliciosas!


We went to Emil's Mom for Thanksgiving's Dinner this year. I love the Holidays because it allows us to get all together...We missed Jaime, Anthony and their kids...the babies were too small to go out during this Holiday...Hopefully everyone will be able to join us for the Christmas dinner...The family is getting bigger...Jaime and family are a total of 8, Emil's family is a total of 3 (for now), and Jennifer (Steven's girlfriend) got to join the family a little over a year ago...

Fuimos a la casa de la Mama de Emil para la Cena de Accion de Gracias. Me gustan las festividades porque nos permite reunirnos...Extranamos a Jaime, Anthony y sus ninos...Los bebes estaban muy pequenos para salir durante estas festividades...Esperamos que ellos nos puedan venir para la cena de Navidad...La familia esta creciendo...Jaime y su familia son 8 en total, la familia de Emil son 3 (por ahora), y Jennifer (la novia de Steven) se unio a la familia hace poco mas de 12 meses...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Christmas - Navidad

Christmas is around the corner and some of us are already thinking about gifts ideas for those we love...here are some gifts ideas for you:
  • Tote style purse...not a very big one but a medium size...brown or black
  • Guess Gold or Tressor...my favorite perfumes
  • Gift Certificates to Target or Best Buy
  • Hairspray - the movie
  • Sunglasses

Navidad esta a la vuelta de la esquina y algunos de nosotros estamos pensando en regalos para aquellos que amamos...estas son algunas ideas para ti:

  • Una cartera estilo tote...no muy grande pero de tamano mediano...marron o negra
  • Guess Gold or Tressor...mis perfumes favoritos
  • Certificados de regalos de Target o Best Buy
  • La pelicula Hairspray
  • Lentes de Sol

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is here and make me think about the things I am thankful for:

  • Emil - for being so patient and put up with my changes of humor...
  • Nathan - for being who he is...the most amazing son and kid ever...smart and funny...
  • Family - those that are far...I miss Yola, Tias, Tios, Cousins, Nieces and Nephews...I love you with all my heart...
  • Nieces - Liana, and Emilia
  • Nephews - Seth and Aidan
  • Mom and Dad - Who have adopted me since I met Emil...Thank you for making me feel at home in a Country that is far too different than mine...
  • Jaime - for being the sister that I never had...
  • Steven - for being a little brother...
  • Jennifer - for being so nice to us...and patient with Nathan...
  • Friends - although far, they are always remembered...

So, my prays this Thanksgiving goes to all of you that make my life shine even when I am down...I love you all!!!

El Dia de Accion de Gracias esta aqui y me pone a refleccionar sobre las cosas por las que estoy agradecida:

  • Emil - por ser tan paciente y soportarme durante mis cambios de humor...
  • Nathan - por ser quien es...el mejor hijo y nino siempre...inteligente y gracioso...
  • Familia - aquellos que estan lejos...Extrano a Yola, Tias, Tios, Primos, Primas, Sobrinos, y Sobrinas...Los amo con todo mi corazon...
  • Sobrinas - Liana y Emilia
  • Sobrinos - Seth y Aidan
  • Mom and Dad - quienes me adoptaron desde que conoci a Emil...Gracias por hacerme sentir en casa en un Pais que es muy diferente al mio...
  • Jaime - por ser la hermana que nunca tuve...
  • Steven - por ser un hermano pequeno...
  • Jennifer - por ser tan chevere con nosotros...y paciente con Nathan...
  • Amigos - aunque estan lejos siempre son recordados...

Mis plegarias este Dia de Accion de Gracias va para todos ustedes que hacen que mi vida brille inclusive cuando estoy triste...Los amo a todos!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Quote - Quota

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."- Helen Keller

"El Caracter no puede ser desarrollado con facilidad y quietud. Solo a travez de la experiencia y el sufrimiento es que el alma puede ser fortalecida, la ambicion inspirada, y el exito alcanzado" - Helen Keller

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Nathan and I visited Emilia and Jaime yesterday. Emilia is cute and she has a strong grab. I would put my finger in the palm of her hand and she would grab and not let go easily. Nathan was very sweet to his cousin...Now, we are waiting for Seth and Aiden to arrive to have the trio together when we visit...Seth and Aiden are still in the hospital (Fresno and Valley Childrens) but are doing great and should be home soon.

Nathan y yo visitamos a Emilia y Jaime ayer. Emilia es bellisima y fuerte. Yo ponia mi dedo en la palma de su mano y ella lo agarraba y no lo soltaba facilmente. Nathan es muy dulce con su prima...Ahora estamos esperando la llegada de Seth y Aiden y tendremos el trio junto cuando visitemos...Seth y Aiden estan todavia en el hospital (Fresno y Valley Childrens) pero estan bien y deben estar en su hogar pronto.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

They are here

Aiden Tiger
Emilia Ann

Seth William

Our nephews and niece are here! Seth, Aiden and Emilia were born today at 6:50 am ...Emilia was the biggest one. Aiden followed his sister's size and Seth was the smallest of the three. The babies and Jaime are doing very good, and Anthony is a very proud Dad...We are truly blessed with the arrival of our newest members of the family...I am really proud of Jaime for holding on so strong all her pregnancy and giving birth to the three bambinos...God Bless the Delgado and the Barycki family...

Nuestros sobrinos y sobrina estan aqui! Seth, Aiden and Emilia nacieron hoy a las 6:50 am. Emilia fue la mas grande. Aiden siguio a su hermana en tamano y Seth fuel el mas pequeno de los tres. Los bebes y Jaime estan muy bien, y Anthony es un papa muy orgulloso...Estamos bendecidos con la llegada de los miembros mas nuevos de la familia...Estoy muy orgullosa de Jaime por ser muy fuerte durante su embarazo y dar a luz a los tres bambinos....Dios Bendiga a la familia Delgado y a la familia Barycki...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Forgiveness - Perdon

I liked the Sermon that the Pastor gave this past Sunday...It was about forgiveness and how God commands us to love each other...It is not just to forgive and love...is to forgive, forget and love...I have been struggling with forgiveness my whole entire life...perhaps I have forgiven few times (very few) but I have not forgotten and that is why it has been hard for me to move on and love...and be completely and truly happy...So, here is it to all of those that have hurt me one way or another...at one time or another...I forgive you, I have forgotten how you hurt me...and I have started to love you...even if you do not love me back...I think this is the first step for a long waited healing process...

Me gusto el Sermon que el Pastor dio este Domingo pasado...Era sobre perdon y como Dios nos comanda a amarnos los unos a los otros...No es solo perdonar y amar...es perdonar, olvidar y amar...Yo he sufrido con perdon toda mi vida...quizas he perdonado pocas veces (muy pocas) pero no he olvidado y por eso es que ha sido duro para mi continuar y amar...y ser feliz verdaderamente y completamente...Asi que aqui va para todos aquellos que me han herido de una manera u otra...en algun momento u otro...Los perdono, he olvidado como me hirieron...y he comenzado a amarlos...inclusive si no me aman de vuelta...Creo que ste es el primer paso para un proceso de recuperacion que he estado esperando por mucho tiempo...

Parenting Challenges

Parenting has been a challenge lately...Nathan has been exhibiting a very bad attitude in the past few months. He is always making smart remarks. I have tried to point out to him his inappropriate behavior and to take his privileges away...so far these techniques are not working...it seems that I am speaking a different language...Oh My God! I feel like my Grandmother...I think is life pay back time...She once told me "I hope you get a child that is just like you, so you understand the pain and suffering I am going through!"...He is also very competitive, so he rushes into his work at school "to finish faster than the other kids". Therefore, he is making mistakes and his teacher is getting irritated about it (yes, irritated...can you believe it?!!!) because he is not giving his best...I have talked to him but the words do not get through him...he just do not listen!!! I need parenting advice from those that have done this for many years... I am going nuts! and worst of all, I do not want my relationship with him to get ruin...

El ser Madre ha sido un reto ultimamente...Nathan ha estado demostrando una muy mala actitud durante los ultimos meses. El siempre esta haciendo comentarios inapropiados. He tratado de demostrarle su actitud inapropiada y le he quitado privilegios...pero estas tecnicas no han funcionado...parece que estoy hablando otro lenguage...Dios Mio! Me siento como mi abuela...pienso que la vida me las esta cobrando...ella una vez me dijo: "Espero que tengas un hijo(a) que sea como tu, para que entiendas el dolor y sufrimiento por el que estoy pasando"...El tambien es muy competidor entonces se apura en el trabajo escolar "para terminar primero que los otros companeros". Por lo tanto, esta cometiendo errores y su maestra se esta irritando por eso (si, irritando...pueden creerlo?!!!) porque no esta dando lo mejor de si...He hablado con el pero las palabras no pasan a traves de el...simplemente no escucha!!! Necesito recomendaciones de aquellos que han hecho esto por mucho tiempo...Me estoy volviendo loca! y lo peor es que no quiero que mi relacion con el se dane...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Five Months

My niece Liana Mae is already 5 months. I can not believe how time flies. She looks strong and beautiful...

Mi sobrina Liana Mae ya tiene 5 meses. No puedo creer como vuela el tiempo. Se ve hermosa y fuerte...

Friday, October 19, 2007


I always wanted to be a Mom...ever since I remember....but it comes with a lot of responsibilities and fun...I never thought that I would be baking cakes for my son's School someday...OK Betty Crocker's cake mixes and icings sure come handy!...but the intentions are what matter right?!...It was fun going to Nathan's School Carnival today...I got to spend time with Nathan doing something different...he had fun and I end up tired...as usual...but it was worth the effort!..his smile and seeing him socializing with his buddies from school brought a lot of happiness to my heart...I loved Emil's cupcakes!!!

Desde que tengo memoria siempre quice ser Mama...pero con ese titulo vienen muchas responsabilidades y diverciones...Nunca pense que algun dia estaria ahorneando tortas para la escuela de mi hijo...OK las mezclas para tortas y icing de Betty Crocker son muy convenientes!...pero las intenciones son las que cuentan verdad?!...Fue divertido ir al Carnaval de la escuela de Nathan...Pase un tiempo diferente con Nathan...el se divertio y yo termine cansada...como siempre...pero valio la pena el esfuerzo!...su sonrisa y verlo socializando con los amiguitos del colegio me dio mucha alegria...Me encantaron las tortitas que hizo Emil!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mom Song

A dearest friend sent me this link. It is a link to a video where a comedian is singing the Mom's Song...it is HILARIOUS! Enjoy!

Una muy buena amiga me envio este link. Es un link a un video donde una comediante esta cantando la cancion de Las Madres...Es muy chistoso...Disfruten! (P.S: Es en Ingles y es muy rapida)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I received a notice today from the Immigration Services. I got an appoitment on 10/18/2007 to get my fingerprints taken...I am getting closer to become a US Citizen!

Hoy recibi noticias del Servicio de Immigracion. Tengo una cita para sacarme las huellas digitales el 10/18/2007...Me estoy acercando a la obtencion de la Nacionalidad Norteamericana!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Navidades - Christmas

A pesar de que falta algun tiempo para que las Navidades lleguen, ya se siente su Espiritu por todas las tiendas...Para aquellos que estan pensando en regalos y no saben que seria bueno darnos, aqui tienen una lista:
1) Pijamas para Nathan - Talla 10 (para niños de 8 años)
2) Camisas manga larga para Nathan - Talla 7 u 8.
3) Pijamas para Rado - XL
Juguetes para Nathan son siempre bienvenidos, pero libros son muchos mejor...El tuvo muchos juguetes de regalo en su cumpleaños, asi que es bueno reducirlos a uno o dos...

Although there is a lot of time for Christmas, we can feel its Spirit in every store...for those that are thinking in Christmas gifts for and do not know what to give us, here is a list:
1) Pijamas for Nathan - Size 10
2) Long Sleeve Shirts for Nathan - Size 7 or 8
3) Pijamas para Rado - XL
Toys are always welcome for Nathan...but books are much better...He got a lot of toys on his Birthday, so it is better to reduce them to one or two...


I thought I would never say this but I really enjoyed camping this weekend...It got a little chilli at some point of the night...then it got warm...but the overall experience was good...San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay were as beautiful as always...As usual, I was very nostalgic of those College days!!! Good thing that we still can go back and have a remembrace once in a while...without the midterms the experience is a lot better!!!

Nunca pense que iba a decir esto pero en realidad disfrute ir de campamento este fin de semana...Estuvo un poco frio a un punto de la noche...despues se calento el tiempo...pero en general la experiencia fue buena...San Luis Obispo y Morro Bay estaban bien bonitos como siempre...Como es usual, me entro nostalgia the los dias de Universidad!!! Es bueno saber que todavia podemos regresar de vez en cuando y recordar esos dias...sin examenes la experiencia es mejor!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Soccer - Footbal

Nathan started Soccer six weeks ago...He had picture day and a game today...a little be hectic but everything went well...

Nathan comenzo Football hace seis semanas ...Hoy era el dia de las fotos y tenia un juego...un poquito complicado pero todo salion bien...

Brithday Celebration

Nathan was born on a beautiful evening on September 18 2000. We do something different every year for his birthday...He got to choose this year...and we went to celebrate at Chuck E' Cheese...This is a pizza/games place where parents can take their kids to hang out and have fun...He had fun with friends and family!

Nathan nacio en una bella tarde el 18 de Septiembre 2007. Cada cumpleanos hacemos algo diferente...Esta ve el escogio...y fuimos a celebrar a Chuck E' Cheese...Este es un lugar donde los padres llevan a sus hijos a divertirse...El se divirtio con la familia y los amigos!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cuatro Meses

Mi Niece Liana Mae is four months old now...she is a cutie!!! I love her very much...

Mi sobrina Lianan Mae tiene cuatro meses...Es una hermosura!!! La amo mucho....


Emil and I started a new life journey together 9 years ago. We got married at Sacred Heart Church in Philadelphia, PA on 09/12/1998. I remember being the hapiest person in Earth and having a lots of fun that day...I danced so much that my feet got swollen and I could not put my shoes on again!!! I am still hapily married...Emil gives joy to my heart and get all my pains away...We have been through rough times and we have endured them...The times I try to remember the most are the happy ones...just like today 9 years ago....I LOVE YOU EMIL!!!

Emil y yo empezamos una nueva jornada juntos hace 9 aňos. Nos casamos en la Iglesia Corazon Sagrado en Philadelphia, PA el 12/09/1998. Me acuerdo que era la persona mas alegre de la Tierra y que goce mucho ese dia...Baile tanto que mis pies se hincharon y no pude ponerme los zapatos otra vez!!! Todavia estoy felizmente casada...Emil le da regocijo a mi corazon y quita todos mis dolores...Hemos pasado por ratos duros pero los hemos sobrepasado...Los ratos que trato de recordar mas son los felices...como hace 9 aňos...TE AMO EMIL!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Giving Up

I was hopping to have good baby news for this week...I had high hopes because the treatment was giving good results all along...I responded well to the treatment and I had two strong possibilities of becoming pregnant...but there is no baby news...I got my mothly visit yesterday afternoon...I guess my age won the battle...So, I am giving up...It is hard to explain...I am not sad just disapointed...I can not be sad for something I have not lost because I never had it...It is just plain disapointment...On the other hand, I am happy for the gift I received almost 7 years ago...He is a wonderful boy, very smart and healthy...I could not ask for more...God answered my prayers then and gave me a bundle of joy represented in Nathan...My pride...So, it is time to move on and dedicate the rest of my life to him and Emil...The two men in my life...

Tenia esperanzas de tener noticias de bebe esta semana...Tenia muchas esperanzas porque el tratamiento me estaba dando buenos resultados todo el tiempo...Respondi bien al tratamiento y tenia dos fuertes posibilidades de quedar embarazada...pero no hay noticias de bebe...Me vino mi visita mensual ayer en la tarde...Creo que la edad me gano la battalla...Asi que me doy por vencida...Es duro de explicar...No estoy triste solo deslilucionada...No puedo estar triste por algo algo que no he perdido porque nunca lo tuve...Es solo desilucion...Por otro lado, estoy contenta por el regalo que recibi hace casi 7 years....El es un varoncito esplendido, muy inteligente y sano...No pude pedir mas...Dios respondio a mis plegarias en aquel entonces y me dio plena felicidad representada en Nathan...Mi orgullo...Asi, que es tiempo de seguir adelante y dedicar el resto de mi vida a el y a Emil...Los dos hombres en mi vida...

Gifts for Three Angels

Jaime finally received the gifts from us...We bought essentials that she will need soon, and I put it all together in 6 baskets that she can use later on for storage...We also bought a changing table for her to complete the bedroom set for the triplets...and to top it off, we gave her diapers and wipes...She called today and sounded very happy...I am glad that she got to see the gifts before getting to the Hospital...

Jaime finalmente recibio los regalos de nosotros...Le compramos cosas esenciales que necesitara pronto y yo lo puse todo en 6 cestas que ella puede utilizar luego para guardar cosas...Tambien compramos una mesa de cambiar para completar el cuarto de los trillizos...y para completar, le dimos panales y panitos desechables...Ella llamo hoy y se oia muy contenta...Estoy contenta porque ella pudo ver los regalos antes de ir al Hospital...

Monday, August 27, 2007

The Love of my Life

I want to dedicate this post to someone that is always there for me. He understand me more than anyone and has put off with me all these years. He supports me on all my endeavours. He makes my days brighter and my life more fun....This is to Emil...I love you with all my heart...thanks for being here...thanks for being you...

Quiero dedicar este espacio a alguien que esta siempre alli para mi. El me entiende mejor que nadie y me ha soportado todo este tiempo de casados. El me apoya en todas mis aventuras. El hace mis dias mas brillantes y mi vida mas divertida...Esto es para Emil...Te amo con todo mi corazon...gracias por estar aqui...gracias por ser tu...

Fun at Yosemite

Emil, Nathan and I got to go with Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole and Shannon to Yosemite yesterday. It was fun and relaxing. It is nice to take time off to go and relax surrounded by Nature. We got to see a Coyote. Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole and Shannon had a good time.

Emil, Nahthan y yo fuimos con el Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole y Shannon a Yosemite ayer. Nos divertimos y relajamos. Fue chevere tomarme tiempo libre y relajarnos rodeados por la Naturaleza. Vimos un Coyote. El Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole and Shannon se divirtieron.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


We started a fertility treatment Tuesday last week. I went to a follow up this Monday and I had my ovaries full of eggs...16 total! They told me to apply one more shot with less medicine that day and to come back today for another follow up to decide if we continue the cycle or we had to stop due to the multiple eggs that my ovaries produced during treatment. Well, I got two good eggs and one potential in my left ovary...and two good ones in my right ovary...the other ones did not grow to be fertilized...My right tube is blocked, so that left me with the ones on the left ovary only...So, they instructed me to give a shot of a ovulation stimulating hormone today and to have a lot of good SEX starting tomorrow night...a home pregnancy test will tell me on September 6 if we coincived...

Empezamos el tratamiento de fertilidad el Martes de la semana pasada. Fui al doctor para un seguimiento este lunes y tenia los ovarios llenos de ovulos...16 en total! Ellos me dijeron que me aplicara otra injeccion con menos medicina y que regresara hoy para otro seguimiento y decidir si continuabamos el ciclo or lo teniamos que para debido a la cantidad de ovulos que se produjeron durante el tratamiento. Tengo dos ovulos buenos y uno potencial en el ovario izquierdo...y dos buenos en el ovario derecho...los otros no crecieron para ser fertilizados...My Tropa de Falopio derecha esta bloqueada, asi que me quedaron solo los del ovario izquierdo...Asi que me indicaron ponerme la injeccion que estimula la ovulacion hoy y tener bastante intercurso comenzando manana en la noche...un test de embarazo casero me dira el 6 de Septiembre si concebimos...

Last Swimming Lesson

Nate's las swimming lesson was yesterday. He was jumping in the pool and swimming the long way by the end of this week...He can swim now but still needs more practice for control and to learn style...At least he is not afraid of the water but he is aware that he needs supervision...He should become more confortable by next Summer...

La ultima leccion de natacion de Nathan fue ayer. El se tiraba a la piscina y nado el lado mas largo al final de la semana...El puede nadar ahora pero todavia necesita mas practica para obtener control y aprender estilo...Al menos el no esta asustado del agua pero sabe que necesita supervision..El debe estar mas confortable para el proximo Verano...

Family and Fun

Uncle Kenny, Aunt Rose, Nicole, Shannon and Grandma are visiting from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I love being around Emil's family. They are so cool! They make me feel very welcome and give me that warmth that I miss so much from my family in Venezuela...We went to Disneyland over the weekend and had a lot of fun. Nate loves being around his cousins Nicole and Shannon. He had a blast!

El Tio Kenny, la Tia Rose, Nicole, Shannon y la Abuela estan visitando desde Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Me encanta compartir con la familia de Emil. Ellos son bien chevere! Ellos me hacen sentir bienvenida y me dan ese calor familiar que extrano mucho de mi familia en Venezuela...Fuimos a Disneylandia el fin de semana y nos divertimos mucho. Nate le encanta estar cerca de sus primas Nicole y Shannon. El se divertio mucho!

First Day

Nathan's first day at his new school was last Thursday (08/16/2007)...He was a little be nervous but he is confortable now...He likes his new school a lot and he got a cool teacher...I am so happy for him...

El Jueves (16/08/2007) fue el primer dia de Nathan en su nueva escuela...El estaba un poquito nervioso pero ahora esta adaptado...Le gusta su nueva escuela y le toco una maestra bien chevere...Estoy muy contenta por el...

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Friendship is one of the things that we should treasure the most. We always need that shoulder that will be there for us in good times and bad times...Nathan had his friend Ean coming over for a sleep over...They had fun...I never thought that I would be the type of Mom that would like to have her kid's friends coming over to the house...I always stress when people come over to visit...It is a mix of the Torrealba and perfectionism...all the women in my family stress about having people over because it represents a lot of attention...that's the Latin too...but the experience was not that bad...Actually, I want to do it many times more...I was happy to see Nathan playing and excited about having a friend over...that alone is worth the effort...and the stress...

La Amistad es una de las cosas que debemos atesorar mucho. Siempre necesitamos el hombro que estara alli para nosotros en los tiempos malos y buenos...Nathan tuvo a su amiguito Ean visitando y paso la noche en nuestra casa...Nunca pense que seria aquella madre a la que le gustaria tener a los amiguitos de sus hijos visitando...Siempre me estreso cuando hay personas visitando...Es lo Torrealba y lo perfeccionista ligado...todas las mujeres de mi familia se estresan cuang tienen visita porque representa muchas atenciones...eso es lo Latino tambien...pero la experiencia no fue tan mala...La verdad me gustaria hacerlo mas veces...Me contento mucho ver a Nathan jugando y alegre porque su amiguito estaba de visita...eso solo merece el esfuerzo y el estress...