Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I received a notice today from the Immigration Services. I got an appoitment on 10/18/2007 to get my fingerprints taken...I am getting closer to become a US Citizen!

Hoy recibi noticias del Servicio de Immigracion. Tengo una cita para sacarme las huellas digitales el 10/18/2007...Me estoy acercando a la obtencion de la Nacionalidad Norteamericana!


Jacki said...

Becoming and being are the yin and yang of our lives. One inner one outer. Today, we value becoming to the exclusion of being; we applaud human becomings. The secret is balance.
Don't forget to register to vote...

Rado said...

One step at the time...one step at the time...I need to learn more about US Politics to make my own opinion to vote...It will come...soon!