Saturday, May 31, 2008

Senior White Belt

Nathan took his test for TaeKwenDo yesterday...He earned his Senior White Belt. So, now he has to learn new punches, kicks, do more sit ups, push ups and learn Sparring...He likes going to TaeKwenDo...

Nathan presentó su prueba de TaeKwenDo ayer...Se ganó su nuevo cinturon Blanco con experiencia. Asi que ahora tiene que aprender movimientos nuevos y hacer mas ejercicio...Le gustar ir a TaeKwenDo...

A Day at the Mountains

Emil took Nathan to the Mountains on Memorial Day...They had fun and walked a lot...I wish I could be there because the scenery looks beautiful and I miss having a fun day with my guys...I loved the river pictures...

Emil llevó a Nathan a las montaňas en el Dia de Recordatorio de los Soldados Caidos...Se divirtieron y caminaron mucho...Me hubiese gustado estar alli porque el paisaje se ve bellisimo y me perdi de un dia chevere con mis dos hombres...Me encanto las fotos del rio...

Monday, May 26, 2008

21 Weeks

I am 21 weeks now...They babies should be 1.5 Oz. each...I can feel the weight on my feet...They get swollen really fast after few hours of walking or standing around...I have at least 15 more weeks to go before they are born...I can not walk too much now, I do not want to know how I will be in 15 weeks...I have bought most of the gear they need...I have the stroller and the car seats left on my list...I can't wait to put all the room together to see how it will look like...

Ya tengo 21 semanas...Los bebes deben estar pesando 0.75 gr cada uno...Puedo sentir el peso en mis pies...Se hinchan rapido cuando camino por algun tiempo o estoy parada...Me faltan al menos 15 semanas mas...No puedo caminar mucho ahora, no quiero ni pensar como me sentire en 15 semanas...He comprado casi todas las cosas que necesitan...Me falta el coche y las sillas de carro...No puedo esperar a decorar el cuarto y ver como quedara...

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Horrible Day!

I never thought that my day could get so hectic that I would forget about picking up my son at his TaKwenDo class...but I did today...I feel so horrible for that!!! There were some last minute issues at work today and I lost track of time and the day...I thought that I had until 5:30 pm today to pick up my son at school...It was until I received a call from his Grandfather that I realized that today was Friday and I should had been picking up Nathan and his friend at TaKwenDo by 5:00 pm...I was already 15 minutes late and I still had to drive 30 minutes to pick them up...I hit the road and I had the slowest drivers in front of me...I kept praying and saying to myself: "There is a reason why you can not go faster...God knows what is going on and everything will be OK at the end" I finally made it and they were sitting in the waiting room and when they saw me they were so happy...I am not the person that puts work before her family but today I lost track of time...

Nunca pense que mi dia podria convertirse en algo desastroso que terminaria por olvidar de recoger a mi hijo a su clase de TaKwenDo...pero me pasó hoy...Me siento tan terrible por eso!!!Hubo problemas de ultimo minuto en el trabajo hoy y perdí nocion del tiempo y del día...Creí que tenia hasta las 5:30 pm para recorgerlo al colegio...No fue hasta que recibi una llamada de su abuelo que me di cuenta del dia y la hora...Es Viernes y yo tenia que recoger a Nathan y su amiguito a las 5:00 pm en la clase the TaKwenDo...Estaba retrasada 15 minutos y todavia tenia que manejar 30 minutos para recogerlo...Me encaminé y me tocó todos los choferes lentos en frente de mi...Me dije a mi misma y recé durante el trayecto: "Hay una razón por la que no puedes ir mas rápido...Dios sabe por lo que estas pasando y todo estará bien al final" Finalmente llegué a recogerlos y estaban en el cuarto de espera..estaban muy contento de verme...No soy una persona que pone el trabajo primero que la familia pero hoy perdí nocion del tiempo...

A Broken Sunflower...

A broken Sunflower gave a broken heart to Nathan and me today...Nathan got a Sunflower from his teacher today, who told the class that they were to plant the Sunflower and she will ask next year how the flowers are doing...He went to his friend house with his flower because on Fridays they get to TaKwenDo together. He left the flower there and went we went to pick it up we found it at his Grandparents front door all broken...His heart stopped when he saw this and tears started coming out of his eyes. I tried to calm him down but nothing that I said would stop his tears...My motherhood love, my pregnancy hormones and my horrible day started to kick in, so I started crying with him...My heart was so broken to see my little baby not stopping to cry...No matter how big he will turn, in my eyes Nathan will always be my baby...We finally planted the Sunflower outside with my other flowers in the garden with the hope that it will grow...

Una flor rota nos partio el corazón a Nathan y yo hoy...La maestra le dio una flor a Nathan hoy. Ella le dijo a la clase que tenian que plantar sus flores y ella les preguntara el proximo año como estan creciendo las flores...Nathan fue a la casa de su amigo porque hoy tenian que ir a la clase the TaKwenDo juntos. El dejo la flor alla y cuando la fuimos a recoger la encontramos a los pies de la puerta de la casa de los abuelos toda rota...Su corazon paro cuando vio esto y las lagrimas empezaron a correr por sus mejillas. Trate de calmarlo, pero nada de lo que dije pudo parar sus lagrimas...Mis emociones de amor de madre, mis hormonas de embarazo y el dia tan horrible que tuve hoy empezaron a mezclarse y empecé a llorar con él...Mi corazón se partio de tan solo ber a mi bebe llorando...No importa que tan grande es Nathan, el siempre sera mi bebe...Finalmente plantamos la flor en el jardin con mis otras flores con la esperanza de que crecerá...

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am starting to get very anxious...I have so much to do and I can feel that I have little time to do it all...My feet are starting to get swollen with any little walk I do. My hip and back hurt due to the size of my belly...Afternoons are hard because my body is so tired that all I want to do is laydown and take a nap (a long nap)...I still have to do the babies room and develop a lot of programs at work...I do not want to leave work early because it will be a financial hardship on us...but sooner or later reality will hit me in the head...I guess I just have to be patience and take it one day at a time...

Estoy empezando a estar ansiosa...Tengo mucho que hacer y poco tiempo para hacerlo todo...Mis pies se estan empezando a hinchar con cualquier pequeña caminata que hago. Mi cadera y espalda me duelen debido al tamaño de mi barriga...Las tardes son duras porque mi cuerpo esta tan cansado que todo lo que quiero es acostarme y dormir una siesta (una larga siesta)...Todavia tengo que decorar el cuarto de los bebes y escribir muchos programas en el trabajo...No quiero dejar el trabajo muy pronto porque nos traeria mucho ajuste financiero...pero tarde o temprano la realidad me va a pegar en la cabeza...Tengo que ser paciente...

Monday, May 12, 2008

A sucessful visit

I went to the Doctor today. The Doctor could see some of the babies but not all because they were moving too much...that is good sign...He heard their heart beats and they were good...He measured my belly and it is as big as the one of a woman that is 26 weeks along pregnant with one baby...and I am only 19 weeks!!! He said that everything is normal for a mom having twins...I am getting ready to go on maternity leave...I think in another 12 weeks...We'll see!

Hoy fui al medico. El medico pudo ver algo de los bebes pero no todo porque se estaban moviendo mucho...eso es muy buen signo...Escucho los latidos del corazon y se estaban bien...Me midio la barriga y esta tan grande como la de una mujer que tiene 26 semanas de embarazo con un bebe...y solo tengo 19 semanas!!! El medico dijo que todo es normal para una mama que va a tener morochos...Las proximas dos citas son cada 3 semanas y despues las visitas son mas frequentes (cada dos semanas)...Ya me estoy preparando para irme de maternidad...calculo que en unas 12 semanas mas...ya veremos!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the women that have had and have so much influence in my life...I love you all...Jackie, Xiohmara, Yola, and Maura (not in the picture)...Special thoughts and prays for my Mom who is in Heaven watching my family grow...I am pretty sure that she would be so proud of me for all the accomplishments I have had in life... Happy Mother's day also to the new Moms in the family, Allison and Jaime...

Feliz Dia de las Madres a todas las mujeres que han tenido y tienen tanta influencia en mi vida...Las amo a todas...Jackie, Xiohmara, Yola y Maura (no en la foto)...Pensamientos y oraciones especiales para mi Mama que esta en el Cielo viendo a mi familia crecer...Estoy segura de que ella estaria orgullosa de mi por todos los logros que he tenido en la vida...Feliz Dia de las Madres a las nuevas Mamas en la familia, Allison y Jaime...

A new set of wheels

Emil and I spent yesterday afternoon getting a new set of wheels...the perfect Mother Day's gift since our family is going to grow with two additions on the way. It was a long day but I finally got the car I wanted...It is roomy and drives smoothly...I am loving it!

Emil y yo pasamos toda la tarde de ayer comprando un carro nuevo...el regalo perfecto para el Dia de las Madres ya que nuestra familia crecera con dos nuevas adiciones en camino. Fue un dia largo pero finalmente obtuvimos el carro que queriamos...Es espacioso y se maneja bien...Me gusta mucho!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good News


I went for my special ultrasound today. The babies measurements and heart reate are normal...and we are having a boy and a cute is that! Baby A (Boy) is laying down at the bottom. Baby B (Girl) is laying on top. They are oposite to each other...the head of one is facing the feet of the other one...They are both across my belly...Emil and I are so happy. The girl will be named Isabel Yolanda...but we have not thought a name for a boy yet...

Hoy fui al medico para el ultrasonido especial. Las medidas y los latidos del corazon de los bebes son normales...y vamos a tener un varoncito y una hembrita...que tal?! El Bebe A (Varon) esta acostado en la parte de abajo del utero. La Bebe B (Hembra) esta acostada en la parte de arriba. Los dos estan atravesados en la barriga con la cabeza opuesta a los pies del otro...Emil y yo estamos muy contentos. La hembra se llamara Isabel Yolanda...pero no tenemos el nombre para el varon todavia...

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Nathan has been taking piano lessons for few weeks now...The teacher will hold a recital on May 31st, and Nathan will be one of the students that will perform...He will just perform a short song or two but I am excited for him...He is such a clever boy! I could not ask for a better son! I am so proud of him...

Nathan ha estado tomando clases de piano por algun tiempo...La profesora va a hacer un recital el 31 de Mayo y Nathan es uno de los estudiantes que tocara...Solo tocara una corta cancion o dos pero estoy muy emocionada por el...El es muy inteligente! No pude pedir por un hijo mejor! Estoy muy orgullosa de el...

18 Weeks

I am 18 weeks through our pregnancy jorney...We will find out their sex on Wednesday...They are moving a lot more each week...They woke me up last night with their movements...They roll all over and I can feel them when I put my hand in my belly, which is getting bigger by the day!

Ya tengo 18 semanas de embarazo...El proximo Miercoles sabremos el sexo...Se estan moviendo mas cada semana...Ayer me despertaron con sus movimientos...Dan vuelta por todos lados y los puedo sentir cuando pongo mi mano en mi barriga, la cual esta cada dia mas grande!