Monday, May 12, 2008

A sucessful visit

I went to the Doctor today. The Doctor could see some of the babies but not all because they were moving too much...that is good sign...He heard their heart beats and they were good...He measured my belly and it is as big as the one of a woman that is 26 weeks along pregnant with one baby...and I am only 19 weeks!!! He said that everything is normal for a mom having twins...I am getting ready to go on maternity leave...I think in another 12 weeks...We'll see!

Hoy fui al medico. El medico pudo ver algo de los bebes pero no todo porque se estaban moviendo mucho...eso es muy buen signo...Escucho los latidos del corazon y se estaban bien...Me midio la barriga y esta tan grande como la de una mujer que tiene 26 semanas de embarazo con un bebe...y solo tengo 19 semanas!!! El medico dijo que todo es normal para una mama que va a tener morochos...Las proximas dos citas son cada 3 semanas y despues las visitas son mas frequentes (cada dos semanas)...Ya me estoy preparando para irme de maternidad...calculo que en unas 12 semanas mas...ya veremos!

1 comment:

Jacki said...

time will go so fast and before you know it, you'll be feeding bottles, changing dirty diapers, and giving lots of hugs and kisses