Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Gifts for Three Angels

Jaime finally received the gifts from us...We bought essentials that she will need soon, and I put it all together in 6 baskets that she can use later on for storage...We also bought a changing table for her to complete the bedroom set for the triplets...and to top it off, we gave her diapers and wipes...She called today and sounded very happy...I am glad that she got to see the gifts before getting to the Hospital...

Jaime finalmente recibio los regalos de nosotros...Le compramos cosas esenciales que necesitara pronto y yo lo puse todo en 6 cestas que ella puede utilizar luego para guardar cosas...Tambien compramos una mesa de cambiar para completar el cuarto de los trillizos...y para completar, le dimos panales y panitos desechables...Ella llamo hoy y se oia muy contenta...Estoy contenta porque ella pudo ver los regalos antes de ir al Hospital...

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