Saturday, September 22, 2007

Brithday Celebration

Nathan was born on a beautiful evening on September 18 2000. We do something different every year for his birthday...He got to choose this year...and we went to celebrate at Chuck E' Cheese...This is a pizza/games place where parents can take their kids to hang out and have fun...He had fun with friends and family!

Nathan nacio en una bella tarde el 18 de Septiembre 2007. Cada cumpleanos hacemos algo diferente...Esta ve el escogio...y fuimos a celebrar a Chuck E' Cheese...Este es un lugar donde los padres llevan a sus hijos a divertirse...El se divirtio con la familia y los amigos!


Jacki said...

Happy Birthday Nathan,

Claudia said...

Hola Rado!

QUe buenoe sta tu blog , pero guindar los comentarios es re dificil! si este pasa comento mas!

Besos desde Juab, Southern Sudan!!!!!!!
