The babies are two months old today...The time is passing by fast and they have made a lot of changes...Isa is bigger now. Her legs are getting chubby and she is more aware of her surroundings and the things that she can cry her lungs out until Mommy holds her to fall sleep...a bad habit that she is developing...or I am allowing? lol...Her eyes are still blueish...I love her look because it is very expresive...Just like her Mommy's...Max has been the big guy from day one...but he is bigger now! Heavier, I should say! He is also very aware of his surroundings but has not picked up the habit of being carried to fall sleep...Thank God! He is very easy going and, once he has his bottle, pretty much falls sleep anywhere...Yahoo! They both "talk", and I have been putting them next to each other, so they can interact...It is fun to see them do that...In these pictures they are wearing an outfit that was given to them by the Nurse at Em's work...Thank you Mary, the outfits are nice and they look very sweet in them!
Los bebes cumplen dos meses hoy...El tiempo está pasando rápido y ellos han hecho muchos cambios...Isa está mas grande ahora. Sus piernas se estan poniendo mas gorditas y es mas atenta a lo que pasa a su alrededor y las cosas que puede hacer...como llorar sin parar hasta que su Mamá la cargue para dormirse...un mal habito que está desarrollando...o que yo le estoy permitiendo? je,je,je...Sus ojos todavia son azulados...Adoro su mirada porque es muy expresiva...Como la de su Mami...Max siempre ha sido el chico grande desde el primer dia...pero está mas grande ahora! Mas pesado, deberia decir! El también está muy atento a las cosas que pasan a su alrededor, pero no ha agarrado el hábito de cargarlo para quedarse dormido...Gracias a Dios! Ek tiene un temperamento tranquilo y, una vez que se toma el tetero, se duerme casi en cualquier lado...Yahoo! Los dos "hablan" y los he estado poniendo al lado de cada uno para que interactuen...Es divertido verlos hacer eso...En las fotos están con una ropita que le regaló la Enfermera del trabajo de Em...Gracias Mary, la ropita es bonita y ellos se ven bien dulces en ella!