Friday, January 9, 2009

Four Months



Max and Isa turned 4 months on Monday (01/05/2009)...They are growing fast...Max is 15 Lbs and is already teething...Isa is 13 Lbs and is starting to show signs of wanting to turn around...They sleep through the night...Yeah! I get enough sleep...but I have to get up early...I know that one day I will be able to few years...LOL...

Max e Isa complieron 4 meses el Lunes (05/01/2009)...Estan creciendo rápido...Max es 7.5 Kgs y le está saliendo un diente...Isa es 6.5 Kgs y está enseñando signos de querer voltearse...Duermen toda la noche...Yeah! Duermo lo suficiente...pero me tengo que levantar temprano...Se que algun día podré dormir hasta tarde...dentro de algunos años...Je,je,je...


Jacki said...

Max's hair looks like his Dad's lol

I can't believe how much they have grown, cuter and sweeter every day

Jaime Ann said...

They are getting cuter and cuter with each passing day! Luv ya.

amy said...

such beautiful little ones!