Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Precious Moment

I was feeding Isa and Max together this morning since I had the luck that they were up at the same time...After I fed them and changed them, I put them down next to each other in the twin pillow and their little hands were being held together...I was a tearful moment because this is a representation of what the future will be for them...Friends forever!

Estaba alimentando Isa y Max al mismo tiempo esta mañana ya que tuve la suerte de que estaban despiertos al mismo tiempo...Después que los alimenté y cambié, los puse en la almoada para morochos y sus manitas se entrelazaron...Fue un momento muy dulce porque representa lo que será el futuro para ellos...Amigos por siempre!

Going for a walk

Emil and I took the kids for a walk around the neighborhood yesterday...It was nice to go outside and enjoy the weather...The stroller was a good ride!

Emil y yo sacamos a los bebes a una caminata por el vecindario ayer...Fue chevere salir y disfrutar del clima...El coche fue una buen transporte!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Bath

Isa and Nate


The kids got their first bath today. It went pretty well. Isa just stayed in the tub and let me bathe her without fuzzying too much...She only got cranky towards the end when I was drying her...Max was Ok also. He did not fuzzy until I got to dry him as well. I guess it had to do with the fact that the warm water was not running through their bodies and they were feeling cold..Nate helped through out the process...He is such a good big brother! He loves his little sister and brother...

Los bebes tuvieron su primer baño hoy. Fue muy bien. Isa se quedó tranquila y me dejó bañarla sin ningun problema...Solo se puso un poco molesta cuando la fui a secar...Max estuvo Ok también. Solo se puso un poco molesto al momento de secarlo. Pienso que se ralaciona con que el agua tibia no estaba cayendo en sus cuerpesitos y se sentian frios...Nate ayudó durante el proceso...El es un buen hermano mayor! El adora a su hermano y hermana...

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Celebration

Flowers from Uncle Tiger and Aunt Jaime...Thank you!

An Ice Cream Cone

The Cake!
The Gift
Nate turned 8 years yesterday...We could not celebrate as big as we would like to but we had some cake and presents for our wonderful big boy...

Nate cumplió 8 aňos ayer...No pudimos celebrar en grande como nos hubiese gustado, pero le cantamos el Cumpleaňos Feliz y le dimos un regalo a nuestro hijo mayor...

Monday, September 15, 2008


Our Church announces baby births during the Sunday services and they place a rose for each child in the stage...I had a visitor that brought me the roses today...They are beautiful...Like my babies...

La Iglesia a la que voy anuncia los nacimientos durante los servicios del Domingo y ponen una rosa por cada querubin en el pulpito...Hoy tuve una visita que me trajo las rosas...Son hermosas...como mis bebes...

Friday, September 12, 2008

10 Years!

Pretty Flowers from Emil

We are celebrating our 10th Wedding Anniversary today...I wanted to have an special celebration for our 10th Wedding Anniversary...I wanted to renew our wedding vows in Las Vegas and have a nice romantic weekend...but God decided to change our plans and to give us a better gift...our two little treasures...Isa and Max...

Hoy estamos celebrando nuestro Aniversario de Bodas número 10...Yo quería tener una celebracion especial para este Aniversario...Yo queria renovar nuestros votos en Las Vegas con un fin de semana romantico...pero Dios decidió cambiar nuestros planes y darnos un mejor regalo...nuestros pequeños tesoros...Isa y Max...


We received a nice surprise yesterday. Em's work sent us this beautiful flower arragement to congratulate us for our new family additions...

Recibimos una sorpresa ayer. El trabajo de Em nos envió este hermoso arreglo floral para felicitarnos por nuestra nueva adiciones a la familia...

Thursday, September 11, 2008 last!

We are finally settling at home...We have somehow managed to go from the Unscheduled Cesarean Section to having a more "normal" schedule for feeding, changing and sleeping. The babies are doing great. They eat every four hours, which gives us at least 2 hours of napping time in between feedings. We took them for a Jaundice check up today. Dr. Galindo said that today should be the peak of the Jaundice and it should be going away within the next 2 - 3 weeks. So, we need to continue the Sunbaths until then. Max also got circumcised today...

Finalmente estamos en la casa...De alguna manera hemos manejado el ir de una Cesarea imprevista a un horario mas "normal" para alimentación, cambiado y sueño. Los bebes estan bien. Comen cada cuatro horas, lo cual nos da al menos dos horas de siesta entre las comidas. Hoy los llevamos a un checkeo de la Ictericia. Dr. Galindo dice que hoy es el pico de la Ictericia y debe mejorar poco a poco durante las proximas 2 - 3 semanas. Asi que continuaremos los Baños de Sol hasta entonces. Max tambien fue circumcisado hoy...

Sun Tanning?

The babies developed Jaundice during their stay at the hospital. Jaundice is excess of Bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is pretty common in newborn babies. The only treatment for this is to expose them to indirect Sunlight for few minutes a day, so they get better but not Sunburned...

Los bebes desarrollaron Ictericia durante su estadia en el hospital. Ictericia es exceso de Bilirubina en la sangre. Ictericia es muy comun en los recien nacidos. El unico tratamiento para esto es exponerlos a la Luz del Sol for pocos minutos durnate el dia, asi se mejoran pero no se les quema la piel...

Our babies were born on September 5, 2008. Here are their first pictures while we were at the hospital...

Nuestros bebes nacieron el 5 de Septiembre, 2008. Aqui estan sus primeras fotos mientras estabamos en el hospital...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Getting Hard - 35 Weeks

The days are passing by and it is getting tougher going through the pregnancy...I have Mild Preclamsy, which does not allow me to do much....I am on bed rest for the remaining of the pregnancy...However, the tough part is to get enough sleep through out the night...My skin is so dehydrated that itches like crazy. It does not matter how much water I drink or hydrating cream I put on...I do not think that my belly can stretch hurts so much!!! The Doctor says it will be two and a half weeks more!!! I know the longer they are in me, the better the chances to have healthy kids...but it is tough!

Los dias estan pasando y es mas duro seguir con el embarazo...Tengo Preclamsia Leve, lo cual no me deja hacer mucho...Estoy de reposo absoluto por el resto del embarazo...Sin embargo lo mas duro es no dormir completo en las noches...Mi piel esta tan desidratada que me pica como loca. No importa cuanta agua bebo o cuanta crema hidratadora me pongo...No creo que mi barriga se pueda estrechar duele mucho!!! El Doctor dice que será dos semanas y media más!!! Yo se que lo mas que esten en mi, mas porbabilidades de tener bebes sanos...pero es duro!