Thursday, May 31, 2007

I miss...

The top 10 things I miss the most from Venezuela:
  1. My Grandmother
  2. My aunts Xiohmara and Maura
  3. My Cousins Scarla y Carolina...and my nephews and nieces...
  4. Home cooked meals
  5. Dancing Salsa and Merengue with my Uncle Carlos
  6. My Uncle Claudio's smoothies...Specially the Papaya ones...
  7. The car Independence...good public transportation and the fact that I had to walk a lot to get the made me exercise even when I felt lazy...
  8. The closeness to the Beach...only 30 minutes by car...Oh, all the weekends I went to lay on the sand, relax and get tan!!!...I used to fall sleep to the sound of the waves...
  9. The Avila...a National Park in the city of Caracas...
  10. Margarita Island...and the tax free shopping
Las 10 cosas que extrano mas de Venezuela:
  1. Mi Abuela
  2. Mis tias Xiohmara y Maura
  3. Mis primas Scarla y Carolina...con mis sobrinos y sobrinas
  4. Comida casera
  5. Bailar Merengue y Salsa con mi Tio Carlos
  6. Las Merengadas de mi Tio Carlos...especialmente las de Lechoza
  7. La Independencia de carro...El buen sistema de Transporte Publico y que tenia que caminar mucho para agarrar los carritos por puesto...Me obligaba a ejercitar inclusive cuando estaba floja...
  8. Lo cerca de la playa...solo 30 minutos en carro...Todos los fines de semana que fui y me acostaba en la arena, relajada y me bronzeaba...Me quedaba dormida con el sonido de las olas...
  9. El Avila...un Parque Nacional en la ciudad de Caracas...
  10. Las Isla de Margarita...y las compras con el duty free...

Saturday, May 19, 2007


We found out that Jaime has been blessed with three babies...She and Anthony are having triplets...All our best wishes...
Nos enteramos que Jaime ha sido bendecida con tres bebes...Ella y Anthony van a tener trillizos...Todos nuestros mejores deseos...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Love and Support

There is a link to a web site below that describes the birth of my niece Liana Mae. I am proud of the Love and Support that Ernesto gave to Allison through the birht of their baby. Ernesto is like a brother to me and I am very happy to see that he turned to be a great guy. He is going to be an amazing Dad.

Abajo pongo una pagina web que describe el nacimiento de mi sobrina Liana Mae. Estoy muy orgullosa del Amor y Apoyo que Ernesto le dio a Allison durante el nacimiento de su bebe. Ernesto es como un hermano para mi y estoy muy contenta de ver que es un gran muchacho. El va a ser un buen Padre.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Padres Orgullosos

Here are more pictures of Liana Mae...Her Parents look so proud...I would be too...She is beautiful...
Aqui hay mas fotos de Liana Mae...Sus Padres se ven orgullosos...Yo tambien lo estaria...Ella es hermosa...

Friday, May 11, 2007

Sweet Heart

I introduce a real sweet heart today. Her name is Lina. She is our dog. We could not ask for a better pet. She is very special. She is docile, very good to Nathan and a good watcher of the house. She is usually in the backyard and at the watchout for any stranger...Nathan LOVES her...We LOVE her...She had a long day today. She went to the Vet. We had to spay her and take care of an hernia that she had. She also got three vaccines and got tagged with a Microchip in case she goes out to the streets...that is why she is resting in today and look tired...She is a Briard and usually has a full fur during Winter. However, we shave her during Summers because it gets too hot in here...

Introduzco a un carino hoy. Su nombre es Lina. Ella es nuestra perra. No hemos podido pedir una mascota mejor. Ella es muy especial. Ella es muy docil, muy buena con Nathan y una buena cuidadora de la casa. Ella usualmente esta en el jardin y al pendiente de cualquier extrano...Nathan la ADORA...Nosotros la ADORAMOS...Ella tuvo un dia largo hoy. La llevamos al Veterinario. La operaron para quitarle los ovarios y una hernia que tenia. Tambien le pusieron las vacunas y le pusimos un Microchip en caso de que se salga hacia la por eso que la tenemos adentro hoy y se ve cansada...Ella es un Briard y usualmente tiene mucho pelo durante el Invierno. Sin embargo, la afeitamos durante el Verano porque es muy caluroso...

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Trying to sell the house has not been an easy task. We have been (and I mean) working in the house for the past four weeks after work and on weekends...It seems that it does not have end...every time you look around there is something that you want to fix...We had a Open House today...Our Real Estate Agent invited some colleagues to come and see the house in order to promote it in their businesses...She called me in a very hopeful. She said that all she heard was good comments and how right the price is...OK, this is just the beginning...I have Faith that the house will sell soon...
Tratando de vender la casa no ha sido una tarea facil. Hemos estado trabajando (y lo digo literalmente) en la casa por las ultimas cuatro semanas...despues del trabajo y los fines de semana...Parece que no tiene final...cada vez que volteamos para un lado queremos hacer mas reparos...Tuvimos promocion hoy...Nuestra Agente de Bienes y Raices invito a algunos colegas para que vinieran a ver la casa y para que la promuevan a traves de sus negocios...Ella me llamo muy esperanzada. Ella dijo que todo lo que oia eran buenos comentarios y lo bien que esta el precio...OK, esto es solo el comienzo...Tengo Fe que la casa se vendera pronto...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I am proud to introduce my new niece...Her name is Liana Mae...A lot of Blessings to her...We love you little girl...I can't wait to meet you....

Estoy muy orgullosa de presentar a mi nueva sobrina...Su nombre es Liana Mae...Muchas Bendiciones para ella...Te amamos pequena...No puedo esperar a conocerte...

Monday, May 7, 2007

It's a Girl!!

I just received the call we were waiting for a week...Ernesto and Allison had a beautiful baby girl today...8 lbs and 19"...I am very happy...I am an aunt again... CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Acabo de recibir la llamada que estaba esperando desde hace una semana...Ernesto y Allison tuvieron una hermosa bebe hoy...3.6 kilos y 48 cms...Estoy muy contenta...Soy tia otra vez... FELICIDADES!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007


My cousin Ernie sent me a video of the Carnival Parties thrown in Caracas during the 50's...The link is below for those that may want to know how they were and how Caracas looked like back then...The band playing the song was called "Billos Caracas Boys". They were very famous back then up until I finished High School. Going to a party where that band was playing was very cool...The rithm that they are playing is called Merengue...I danced to that music in many parties...In the video you will see some girls dressed with dark mask...those are the famous "Negritas" a very popular costume during Carnival in Venezuela...I remember my cousin Scarla wearing that custome to some of the parties... You can see the parades...I AM HOMESICK!!!!...I am also including another links about the old and modern Caracas for your entertainment...

Mi primo Ernie me mando un video de las fiestas de Carnaval que se hacian en Caracas duranto los Cincuentas...La pagina esta abajo para aquellos que quieran saber como eran las fiestas y como Caracas era en esa epoca...La banda tocando se llamaba "Billos Caracas Boys". Ellos eran muy famosos en esa epoca hasta que yo me gradue de Bachillerato. Ir a una fiesta donde esa banda estaba tocado era lo maximo...El ritmo que ellos tocan se llama Merengue...Baile esa musica en muchas fiestas...en el video estan las famosas "Negritas" que era un disfraz muy popular durante el Carnaval en Venezuela...Recuredo my prima Scarla poniendose uno de esos disfraces en alguna de las fiestas...Se pueden ver las Comparsas...ME DIO NOSTALGIA!!!!...estoy incluyendo otros videos de la Vieja y Moderna Caracas para su entretenimiento...