Sunday, March 30, 2008
13 Weeks

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday

It was very nice taking time off from work and going to the East Coast. Our quest included visits to the historical sites of Philadelphia, the Shore, Daniel Boone Homestead, and Hershey. We visit the Cape May Zoo. We were amazed on how well maintained the Zoo is for being donations only. I loved Hershey. If if wasn't for the harsh winters in the East Coast, I would be considering very seriously to try to find a job in Hershey. It is a very clean town, it looks very peaceful and the industry runs around the Chocolate making business...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Dr. Visit - Cita con el Dr.
Emil and I went to see Dr. Wiseman today...The babies have grown a lot since last time we saw them...They are moving a lot and their heart rate is very strong. They are the same size and Dr. Wiseman was very pleased with the ultrasound. One baby is on top of the other, and baby B is hard to see...The staff were soo happy to see us...they are all excited about us having twins. That makes me feel more confortable and trusting of them...In 8 weeks we will find out the sex of the babies...any bets?
Emil y yo fuimos a ver Dr. Wiseman today...Los bebes han crecido bastante desde la ultima vez que los vimos...Se estan moviendo bastante y sus latidos del corazon son muy fuertes. Estan del mismo tamaño y Dr. Wiseman estuvo muy contento con el ecosonograma. Un bebe esta encima del otro, y el bebe B se ve con dificultad...Los ayudantes del Dr. Wiseman estaban muy contentos de vernos...todos estan muy contentos de que vamos a tener morochos. Eso me hace sentir bien y mas confiada...En 8 semanas sabremos el sexo de los bebes...alguna apuesta?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
10 Weeks - 10 Semanas

Thursday, March 6, 2008
It is official...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
9 Weeks - 9 Semanas