Nathan had one of his upper theeth loose for the longest time. He finally lost it last night. This makes the third one of the series. He tripped (for those who know him, this is not too hard to believe since he is very active) and somehow the teeth got even looser...It was just hanging and with the help of Grandma and a Friend (his Mommy was too Chicken to even look at it!!!) , it came out...The Tooth Fairy gave him two bucks...
Nathan tenia uno de los dientes arriba flojo por un buen tiempo. Finalmente lo perdio otra vez anoche. Este es el tercero en la serie. Se cayo (para aquellos que lo conocen esto no es tan increible, ya que el es muy activo) y de algun modo el diente se aflojo mas...Estaba guidando y con la ayuda de la Abuela y un Amiguito (su Mama se Engallino y no lo queria ni ver!!!), el diento se cayo...El Raton Perez le trajo dos dolares...