I liked the Sermon that the Pastor gave this past Sunday...It was about forgiveness and how God commands us to love each other...It is not just to forgive and love...is to forgive, forget and love...I have been struggling with forgiveness my whole entire life...perhaps I have forgiven few times (very few) but I have not forgotten and that is why it has been hard for me to move on and love...and be completely and truly happy...So, here is it to all of those that have hurt me one way or another...at one time or another...I forgive you, I have forgotten how you hurt me...and I have started to love you...even if you do not love me back...I think this is the first step for a long waited healing process...
Me gusto el Sermon que el Pastor dio este Domingo pasado...Era sobre perdon y como Dios nos comanda a amarnos los unos a los otros...No es solo perdonar y amar...es perdonar, olvidar y amar...Yo he sufrido con perdon toda mi vida...quizas he perdonado pocas veces (muy pocas) pero no he olvidado y por eso es que ha sido duro para mi continuar y amar...y ser feliz verdaderamente y completamente...Asi que aqui va para todos aquellos que me han herido de una manera u otra...en algun momento u otro...Los perdono, he olvidado como me hirieron...y he comenzado a amarlos...inclusive si no me aman de vuelta...Creo que ste es el primer paso para un proceso de recuperacion que he estado esperando por mucho tiempo...