Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Babies Update

The babies are growing strong. They are moving a lot, they are facing each other and their heads are down. They are already taking over my whole belly. I had a glucose test today but I will not know results until my next visit...The Doctor will call me before then, if results are not normal...My blood pressure is good but my feet are swelling too much, so the Doctor is taking me out of work until the babies are born and I recover...This is hard for me but I need to put my health and the babies health first...So, as of Monday I am on Maternity Leave...

Los bebes estan creciendo fuerte. Se estan moviendo mucho, se estan mirando uno al otro y sus cabecitas estan hacia abajo. Ya estan agarrando casi todo el espacio de mi barriga. Hoy me hicieron la prueba de la glucosa, pero no sabré los resultados hasta mi próxima visita...El Doctor me llamará antes de la cita si los resultados no son normales...Mi presion arterial esta bien, pero los pies se me estan hinchando mucho, asi que el Doctor me esta quitando del trabajo hasta que los bebes nazcan y yo me recupere...Esto es duro para mi, pero tengo que poner mi salud y la de los bebes primero...Asi que desde el Lunes estoy de permiso de Maternidad...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Good Buy

Emil, Nathan and I went to USA Baby yesterday because they had a one day sale...We bought the stroller, two car sits and a glider...The glider was a floor sample, so we got it for 50% off...We saved big on all the items we bought because everything was on sale...

Emil, Nathan y yo fuimos a USA Baby ayer porque tenian un día de oferta...Compramos el coche, dos sillas de carro y una mecedora...La mecedora era la ultima que quedaba y la compramos a 50% de descuento...Ahorramos en todo lo que compramos porque estaban en oferta...


Nathan had his first TaeKwenDo Tournament yesterday...There were three categories on the competition: Basic Technique, Creative Technique, and Sparring...He won 2nd place on Basic Technique and 3rd place on Creative Technique and Sparring. He is very competitive and wanted 1st place...I wonder who he got that from?!...I think he did pretty good for being his first time...I am so proud of him...Go Nathan!

Nathan tuvo el primer Tornamento de TaeKwenDo ayer...Hubo tres categorias en la competencia: Técnica Básica, Técnica Creativa y Pelea...Gano 2do lugar en la Técnica Básica y 3er lugar en la Técnica Creativa y Pelea. El es muy competitivo y quería 1er lugar...Me pregunto de quién sacó eso?!...Yo pienso que él se desenvolvió muy bien para ser su primera vez...Estoy muy orgullosa de él...Hurra Nathan!

25 Weeks

I am entering my 25th week today...My feet are swelling more and more by the day...I can only walk for very limited time...My next Doctor's visit is on Wednesday. They will perform the glucose test to determine if have developed diabetes from the pregnancy...I feel that my blood pressure is higher than usual, so we will find out for sure during the visit...The baby boy moves through out the day and the baby girl moves mostly during the evenings...

Estoy entrando en la semana 25 hoy...Mis pies se hinchan cada dia mas...Solo puedo caminar por un tiempo muy limitado...Mi próxima visita al Doctor es el Miércoles. Me van hacer la prueba de la glucosa para determinar si he desarrollado diabetes del embarazo...Siento que mi presion arterial es mas alta de lo usual, pero sabremos mas durante la visita medica...El varoncito se mueve durante el dia y la hembrita se mueve mas durante las tardes...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Husby

Happy Birthday Em! I love you and always will...

Feliz Cumpleaňos Em! Te amo hoy y siempre...

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Garden

The flowers in my garden finally bloomed...They are beautiful...

Las flores de mi jardin florecieron finalmente...Estan hermosas...

Taking a Hike

Em took a hike this Sunday...It was his Father's Day wish...He conquered Half Dome at Yosemite...He said it was a hard climb but it sounded like he had fun doing it...The pictures are beautiful...but the waterfall looks scary from a near shot...

Em se fue a escalar este Domingo...Fue su deseo del Dia del Padre...El conquisto Half Dome en Yosemite...El dijo que fue una escalada laboriosa pero parece que se divertió mucho...Las fotos son hermosas...pero la cascada da miedo en las fotos cercanas...

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I was looking at Nathan today and I could not believe how tall and older he has gotten...From time to time I look at his baby pictures and I become melancolic...I miss my baby...I also took the time to think about how it takes to be a parent...It is just not the feedings, the changing, the laundry, the conforting on nights of nightmares and days of falls...It is trying to give them an integral education, so they can grow strong and be out of trouble...It is the swimming lessons, the TaeKwenDo classes and activities, the homework, the Spanish classes...So, I went back to remember my youger years, and I want to give special thanks to my Grandmother (Yola) and my aunt (Xiohma)...My aunt spend the money to get us in our education and activities...Yola would take us to all the activities we needed to go...Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me the being I am today and get me out of trouble...I love you for that and more!

Estaba viendo a Nathan hoy y no pude creer lo alto y grande que está...De vez en cuando veo sus fotos de bebé y me da melancolía...Extraño a mi bebé...También ,e puse a pensar en el esfuerzo que toma el ser padre/madre...No es solo las comidas, los cambios de ropa, lavar, las noches de pesadillas o los días de caídas...Es tratar de dar una formación integral, para que puedan crecer fuertes y estar alejados de problemas...Es las lecciones de nado, las clases y actividades de TaeKwenDo, las tareas, las clases de Español...Asi que me puse a recordar mis años de juventud, y quiero darle gracias especiales a mi Abuela (Yola) y a mi tía (Xiohma)...Mi tía invertió en nuestra educación y actividades...Yola nos llevaba a todas las actividades que teniamos que ir...Gracias, gracias, gracias por hacer de mi la persona que soy hoy y mantenerme alejada de problemas...Las amo por eso y mas!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Fun Day

We went to Em's work picnic yesterday. It was a lot of fun. Nate had the chance for the first time to go to a pool with slides. He had a blast. I got to get in the pool also. It was cold at the beginning and I could imagine the babies getting a little be cold inside...but it was refreshing. The weather was wonderful...not too hot...not too cold...Em participated in his company's volleyball tournament...The food was delicious!

Fuimos al picninc del trabajo de Em ayer. Nos divertimos mucho. Nate tuvo la oportunidad de ir a una piscina con toboganes. Se divirtio mucho. Yo también me metí en la piscina. Estaba fria al principio y pude imaginar a los bebes sintiendose un poco frios dentro de la barriga...pero fue refrescante. El tiempo estaba muy muy frio...Em participó en el campeonato de volleyball de su empresa...La comida estuvo deliciosa!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Family

From Left to Right: Haydee (aunt), Carlos German (nephew), Maria Del Carmen (niece), Yola (Grandmother), Xiohmara (aunt), Nahomi (niece), Scarla (cousin), Sotnas (brother in law), and Carolina (cousin). Missing from picture Juan Jose (Godson)

This is the part of my family you do not get to see too often in the blog because they live far away...I received this picture today...They are in a club that I used to go a lot when I was a kid...Nathan used to visit this club and play with the ducks when he was small...

Esta es la parte de mi familia que no ven a menudo en el blog porque viven lejos...Recibi esta foto hoy...Estan en un club al que yo solia ir cuando era una niña...Nathan iba a este club y jugaba con los patos cuando era pequeño

Growing Strong

I went to the Doctor today. The babies are growing fast and strong. We could see the separation between the placentas. We can no see a full shot of the babies as whole anymore because they are too big. Nathan had the chance to go with us and saw the babies on my belly. He thought it was pretty neat to see the babies in the monitor moving around...My belly is 32 inches and my feet are swollen from the star to the end of my day...I am starting to work half days as of tomorrow, and then to go home to rest my feet...this is a big challenge for me because I like to be active. I can not see it other way since Nathan has activities to go to...

Fui al Doctor hoy. Los bebes estan creciendo rapido y fuerte. Pudimos ver la separacion de las placentas. No podemos ver una foto completa de los bebes porque estan muy grande. Nathan tuvo la oportunidad de ir con nosotros y pudo ver a los bebes en mi barriga. El piensa que fue una buena experiencia el ver a los bebes moviendose en el monitor...Mi barriga mide 32 pulgadas y mis pies se hinchan desde el comienzo al final de mi dia...Comienzo a trabajar medio dias a partir de mañana y luego tengo que regresar a la casa a descansar mis pies...este es un gran reto para mi porque me gusta estar activa. No puedo concebirlo de otra manera ya que Nathan tienen muchas actividades a las que necesita ir...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Piano Recital

Nate speach about why he likes playing piano: "Because it is fun"

The Teacher - Laura Duncan - and her Students

Nathan had his first piano recital yesterday. He looked natural. He wasn't nervous and played his song pretty good. I am so proud of him!

Nathan tuvo su primera presentación de piano ayer. No estaba nervioso y tocó su canción muy bien. Estoy muy orgullosa de él!